Author Topic: Military AI and AFCAD 2013 ** SOLVED NOT A SCENERY PROBLEM **  (Read 45835 times)


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« on: August 27, 2013, 02:51:25 am »
Dear FSDT,

 I have been over this forum and read all the posts about the disappointing lack of realism to PHNL on the Hickam AF side. When FSDT released their first version of this product, one could easily import military traffic with ease. I loved using that version and was able to add realistic military and civilian traffic. I have just uninstalled FSDT with great disappointment after being unable to add military traffic to Hickam AF. Static C-17's and commercial aviation parked in Hickam is neither realistic nor should it be left to the purchaser to create their own AFCAD or fiddle with a complicated program like ADE, when the solution is to restore the previous AFCAD prior to this update. I hope you will be decent to leave this post up to anyone seriously considering purchasing this product I purchased this product solely for the purpose of using the military side of the airfield realistically. You cannot do this with this product and taking a defensive stand against your customers is disappointing, when all FSDT has to do is either release a NEW AFCAD or you just have to restore the original AFCAD or give us the option. Until then I will not fully endorse this scenery. I will vouch for your others that I have bought from FSDT, but not this one. I will post this in other forums, if this post is removed. Please send me the AFCAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! or I shall ask for a refund.

Gordon " Pappy" Boyington.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 10:32:41 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 09:52:10 am »
I will never remove this post, because leaving it here is really more embarrassing for you, than for us...

First, you ALSO sent an email about this, which you obviously have been replied to already and was quite a bit more courteous that this forum post, which even contains THREATS about reposting in other place, in case the post will be removed. Are you accustomed to have your posts removed on other forums, maybe ?

As I've already replied to you by email (which only had the effect of having to work twice, because I now have to reply to you AGAIN here, if only to stop your nonsensical threat about reposting everywhere else), I don't really understand WHY you are saying that something in the AFCAD has changed in a way that would prevent you to edit it.

Static C17 are not even in the AFCAD, they are inside a .BGL, and you KNOW about it, as this post of yours shows:

Since you can remove the C17s without this having anything to do with AFCAD, and you know it, why discussing about them in the first place ?

About the AFCAD, please describe exactly WHAT changes you use to do, and why you believe a new AFCAD prevented this. You seem to imply that we knowingly locked you out of edits but, since this is not the case, I don't really have any idea of what problem you are having with editing the scenery, because there's nothing in the AFCAD that prevents you to edit it. Provided, of course, you use the correct and updated tools, such as ADE and NOT the original AFCAD, because the AFCAD program has several limitations, but that's NOT something that has changed recently.

And besides, when you first wrote the email, I assumed you were using FSX, so you were complaining about the fact that we update the AFCAD dynamically online with the installer. But now I see you are posting in the FS9 section so, assuming you really still use FS9, we don't even have that feature in FS9 in the first place so, I doubt the AFCAD has ever been changed in a while.

And of course, it would be best if, instead just complaining that you can't edit the AFCAD anymore (which is not true, of course, the AFCAD is 100% standard so it's 100% editable), if you can't edit it for some reason, and you deem those changes as "necessary", you would make a LIST of ALL the things you would like to be changed and, if they are reasonable, we can add them to the product ourselves, so it will benefit everyone.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 09:55:30 am by virtuali »


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 06:19:04 pm »
The original scenery allowed more Military AI to park in the spaces designated to C-17's static models. The removal of the bgl facilitated that. You REMOVED all the designated parking stands for military ai in your updated release and you KNOW it.
You even removed my original post about how to make traffic work for that scenery! So please don't be coy with me or the reader. Many people have brought the problem of Military ai not appearing anymore properly and your standard reply is condescending, misleading and you tell the customer to fix it themselves! This has been going on for over three years now and still you have not released a suitable "fix". Why bother adding Hickam AF to your scenery if you are not going to PROPERLY code all the parking stands for Military AI and ALLOW military traffic on Hickam and REMOVE the commercial traffic from Hickam? I do not need to "make a list" as you suggested, you have whole threads dedicated to this this!!!
So I will ask you again, when will you either release a NEW afcad and stop putting the onus on the customer to rectify this????? I am very upset with you Umberto! You removed my earlier posts and your condescending attitude is exactly why I took this tone with you. Your steadfast refusal to address this issue with your customer base is infuriating to say the least and if this is the kind of support I can expect from you on future issues I am less inclined to purchase other products.....and hence the reason that this issue needs to made PUBLIC, not buried in a forum. People bought this scenery to use both airfields properly not one.

PS If I post in an FS9 Forum and take the time to write you it's safe to assume I KNOW the difference between an AFCAD and an ADE and FSX vs FS9

When will you release a fix or are you just going to keep telling your customers to "fix it " themselves?

The problem that you seem to have is NOT understanding the problem so here it is....PLEASE FIX THE MILITARY AI AND COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC PROBLEM parking in your scenery for Hickam! Stop pretending you don't KNOW what the problem is and release a FIX so that your PAYING Customers ( not pirates) can use it the way the airfield is supposed to be. Your steadfast refusal to acknowledge the problem or release leaves me with the distinct impression you are not the designer of these airports and HAVE NO clue how to rectify this except by insulting your CUSTOMERS with a "fix it yourself" response!!!! :-[

« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 07:18:49 pm by pappyboyington »


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 08:15:30 pm »
The original scenery allowed more Military AI to park in the spaces designated to C-17's static models. The removal of the bgl facilitated that. You REMOVED all the designated parking stands for military ai in your updated release and you KNOW it.

If you are trying to say there were AFCAD parkings where the static C17 are so, so it was enough to remove the static C17 .BGL to see some AI there, removing the AFCAD parkings was A FIX because, if someone did NOT remove the C17 .BGL, he would see BOTH AI AND C17 overlapped!

Since most users don't *have* AI traffic package to begin with, and in any case won't know if the .BGL is supposed to be removed or not, it's best to FIX the most glaring visual error which would happen in a default install: that AI (default AI or military AI if you have them, but it won't matter in this case) will overlap the static planes, which would be perceived as a bug.

THAT'S why AI parkings have been removed where the static C17 are now.

But I don't see how this would have anything to do with the supposed inability to edit the AFCAD yourself, which seems you are implying here.

A more correct approach, is NOT what you are suggesting, would be having TWO AFCADs:

1) One as it is now, to be used with the static C17 .BGL and with no AFACD parkings there

2) Another one with the parkings spots flagged as military, to be used WITHOUT the C17 .BGL.

Ideally, the installer should provide an option to let users CHOOSE between the two solutions.

You even removed my original post about how to make traffic work for that scenery!

??? You are sadly mistaken here. I haven't removed any of your posts.

Many people have brought the problem of Military ai not appearing anymore properly and your standard reply is condescending, misleading and you tell the customer to fix it themselves!

Care to point out an example of such posts ?

This has been going on for over three years now

It's not that PHNL for FS9 is a very high priority now and, it's not that lots of people seems to be interested it so, maybe it's "going on for three years", but mostly in your that you brought it up again, we might have a look at it, but it's not that we spent the last 3 years thinking about "not fixing" this.

Why bother adding Hickam AF to your scenery if you are not going to PROPERLY code all the parking stands for Military AI and ALLOW military traffic on Hickam and REMOVE the commercial traffic from Hickam?

Again, so it's JUST an issue of the parking type in the AFCAD ? Again, I still don't understand why you said we "locked you out" for editing the AFCAD yourself with the current version, as if *before* you could fix this yourself.

You removed my earlier posts and your condescending attitude is exactly why I took this tone with you.

I haven't removed anything, and don't see anything "condescending" in my messages. In fact, I'm trying to UNDERSTAND what all this fuss is about, because it wasn't very clear.

Your steadfast refusal to address this issue with your customer base is infuriating to say the least

I don't see any "refusal", it's all in your mind. I've clearly indicated a possible solution.

PS If I post in an FS9 Forum and take the time to write you it's safe to assume I KNOW the difference between an AFCAD and an ADE and FSX vs FS9

Obviously yes but, don't forget that you are KEEP sending emails and, in your first email, you haven't even SAID you used FS9, which is why I've replied that way: because I thought you were upset by our self-updating AFCADs, but that's an FSX-only feature, so it doesn't apply to you.

The problem that you seem to have is NOT understanding the problem so here it is....PLEASE FIX THE MILITARY AI AND COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC PROBLEM parking in your scenery for Hickam! Stop pretending you don't KNOW what the problem

You are contradicting yourself in this sentence: first you say you think I don't understand the problem, then you say I *pretend* I don't know what the problem is...

Your steadfast refusal to acknowledge the problem or release leaves me with the distinct impression you are not the designer of these airports

That I'm not the designer of the scenery is surely not a secret. PHNL has been designed by Fabrizio Pascucci, "Simbio" on this forum, and that's common knowledge. I believe it has been something like 8-9 years since the last time I designed a scenery. I'm just the owner of FSDT...I have alerted him about this thread, maybe he'll have something to add.

and HAVE NO clue how to rectify this

That's your assumption either. I surely can fix everything in a scenery, provided it make sense doing it, and if you are clear about what the issues are.

except by insulting your CUSTOMERS with a "fix it yourself" response!!!!

I don't know from where you taken this "fix it yourself" thing. I had the impression that you complained BECAUSE you couldn't "fix it yourself" anymore in the current release, compared to the original one where you COULD "fix it yourself". So, I thought that you VALUED the ability to fix the scenery yourself, and it seemed it was something that has been lost for some reason in the most current release of the AFCAD, which is not true, of course.

So, I probably haven't fully understood your issue: you don't really want to fix the AFCAD yourself, you rather have we change it.

And of course, as I've clearly indicated above in this message, we are surely willing to do it, provided you confirm that's all that you are saying: flagging the AFCADs with military type, and give some option to choose between static C17 or military AI.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 08:33:09 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2013, 01:41:26 am »
I going to take over Umberto.
Please try the attached Afcad and report back.


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2013, 03:32:48 pm »
That AFCAD did not work thank you for trying.  No military AI showed up and the aircraft are now parked incorrectly and the flight loads your aircraft off the center line.

Let me be perfectly clear ONE more time. MAIW is an AI military site. They provide military AI for fsx and fs2004. 2 of their AI packages are for PHNL. Before you changed the AFCAD to an FSX ADE/ and wiped out the parking codes for Military traffic, the packages would work flawlessly if you simply changed the airport in their flight plans to 1HNL. All the military aircraft would park at the right places INCLUDING the c-17 hangers. Now they don't! because you finally admitted to me you only have GA RAMP codes for all parking now in your updated PHNL scenery. I did not fiddle with either afcad and I am not about to start poking around your ADE trying to change it and risk screwing up the scenery. PLEASE for the LOVE of GOD try and understand what I am saying Umberto.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 04:21:59 pm by pappyboyington »


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2013, 03:48:10 pm »
PLEASE for the LOVE of GOD try and understand what I am saying Umberto.

If you are writing this, it's fairly obvious you haven't either READ my previous reply, or it's YOU that haven't understood anything of it.

My last reply clearly indicated BOTH the (correct) reasoning of why we removed the AI parkings where the static C17 are, AND added a possible solution, but you seems to have conveniently ignored it so, I'll repost it AGAIN, hoping you'll will read it this time:

As I've wrote in my previous message:

A more correct approach, is NOT what you are suggesting, would be having TWO AFCADs:

1) One as it is now, to be used with the static C17 .BGL and with no AFACD parkings there

2) Another one with the parkings spots flagged as military, to be used WITHOUT the C17 .BGL.

Ideally, the installer should provide an option to let users CHOOSE between the two solutions.

And not only that. Simbio posted an UPDATED AFCAD, yesterday, asking for you to try it. But you decided to continue to insist with your complaints about my supposed inability to "understand you", without bothering to either comment on my proposed solution, or the AFCAD Simbio just posted.

Talk about being "constructive": we are ACTING with replies about solution and actual FILES to use, you are only complaining and are ignoring them, no wonder it's so difficult to understand you.


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2013, 04:32:35 pm »
I have read and re read your emails and your posts on this forum. Try and stay focused on the solution instead of taking what I'm saying personally. I repeat . The afcad you posted does NOT work. It incorrectly places GA AI and your aircraft when you load  flight is off the centerline and does NOT display any Military AI. When you find the afcad that you had when you first released the scenery it should work.
This AFCAD supplied and attached did not work. The original afcad ( when you find it) will display all the MAIW ai C-17's and fighter aircraft at the correct spots for fighters, same with the C-130's and even the MAIW C-17's park in the Hangers on the Hickam side!. It looked amazing. Please release that AFCAD and restore the Military parking to the scenery ( If this is the original AFCAD which I doubt, because the AI did not display you may have to make changes to the taxi and runway alignment since you modified the scenery in addition to the parking/runway/taxi positions.


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2013, 04:46:41 pm »
You said and I quote " Since most users don't *have* AI traffic package "  Everyone has an AI package ! whether it's the default AI or a program like My Traffic X or MAIW or UGA Adobe AI, World of AI or the list goes on! F2004 and FSX have numerous AI packages! You keep making comments like this and I'm wondering what kind of AI do you have at PHNL? Default????

FSX and FS2004 is about making it as real as you can get. That's why I BOUGHT these airfields from you! Do a poll FSDT and ask your customers use default ai as opposed to a custom ai package... "most users don't have an AI package" do you KNOW this???lol

again please concentrate on the solution instead of rationalizing or defending your statements or trying to sound like you understand. If you did this thread would have been shorter. My first post is clear and you've dragged this on and on and on.

All you had to do is say we replaced the original afcad with an FSX one and made all the parking GA Ramp now..

I would have replied great! Send me the original afcad! But no, you had to drag it out. This is ridiculous and you are the most insulting condescending person I've ever had the displeasure of communicating with. You don't even really read or understand what I'm saying and you respond with irrelevant and condescending remarks....I suggest you find a new job if responding to customers that are upset makes you frustrated or angry or defensive.


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2013, 05:03:21 pm »
You said and I quote " Since most users don't *have* AI traffic package "  Everyone has an AI package ! whether it's the default AI

With "package", I obviously meant somethign additional, not the default AI. Yes, of course, everybody has SOME AI.

You keep making comments like this and I'm wondering what kind of AI do you have at PHNL? Default????

Of course. But that's not really the point, since I'm not using FS9 to begin with. But even in FSX, I use UT2, but loading on demand when I need to test something. If I wanted to fly with FSX, which is something I don't do very often, I usually with AI OFF, because I value fps above everything.

Do a poll FSDT and ask your customers use default ai as opposed to a custom ai package... "most users don't have an AI package" do you KNOW this???lol

That's not the point, even if many users would add some add-on AI package, a very tiny minority would load ANOTHER military specific one in ADDITION to the one they use. That's really niche usage.

Yes, I wasn't clear enough: I know that many users have add-on AI packages, but very few use more than one at the same time, and especially for military use. Of those that add an AI package, most of them use just one product, be it My Traffic, WoAI, etc.

All you had to do is say we replaced the original afcad with an FSX one and made all the parking GA Ramp now..

It's really AMAZING that you, after I've had to repeat it TWICE, keep insisting the "All you had to do is say we replaced the original afcad", when in the SAME message, I also explained the REASONING behind it, and I ALSO proposed a solution that might be good for BOTH users that are ok with using default or just ONE AI traffic product, AND users like you with military AI additions on top of that.

To that parts of the message, you haven't even bothered to reply, you keep insisting to the part where I've said we flagged everything as GA. Perhaps, because that part clearly proves you WRONG, about the supposed lack of attention we are giving to your request, which you are trying to point out for who knows what reason ?

NOW, I'll try to make it EASIER FOR YOU, maybe you'll understand it now: let's do it in steps:

1) Assume, following YOUR suggestions, we'll obtain an AFCAD that it's ok for your use. This is easy to understand, right ?

2) This AFCAD will NEVER be compatible with the static C17 .BGL, that WILL have to be removed, otherwise we'll have AI and static overlapping there.

3) Since we are NOT willing to leave a file that is supposed to be removed in order to prevent a visual bug such as overlapping, and we are NOT willing to remove the C17 .BGL just because someone *might* have them in AI form (as I've said, not many use military AI packages)

4) Considering #1, #2 and #3, what do you think of my PROPOSED SOLUTION, which I've posted TWICE, and you seem to ignore it ?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 05:05:57 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2013, 06:02:51 pm »
The afcad you posted does NOT work. It incorrectly places GA AI and your aircraft when you load  flight is off the centerline and does NOT display any Military AI. When you find the afcad that you had when you first released the scenery it should work.

The attached AFCAD has all military parkings correctly flagged as such.

All you had to do is say we replaced the original afcad with an FSX one and made all the parking GA Ramp now..

And after a check, it turned out NOT being the case.

I assumed this *might* be the problem, according to your report that military AI don't park there anymore but after checking the file, the parkings in the military are were ALWAYS flagged as military. There hasn't been a release of the AFCAD with all GA parking.

Since we obviously use a source-control system for development, we can go "back in time" as we want and get back ANY version of ANY file that makes the scenery, so I dug ALL the modifications to the PHNL AFCAD that were made along the years. The result is as follows:

We had the following release (the number is our version system internal number)

1085 - Jan 21nd 2010 - 75 parkings, 1 in the military area, flagged as MIL CARGO. I don't think this was ever released in public.

1099 - Jan 22nd 2010 - 75 parkings, 1 in the military area, flagged as MIL CARGO. This was probably the very first release.

1181 - May 7th 2010 - 210 parkings, 23 MIL CARGO, 48 MIL COMBAT. This added the military area, to be used with static C17

1182 - May 7th 2010 - No changes to the parkings. This was released in public as an update for PHNL.

1207 - Mar 15th 2011 - No changes to the parkings. This was the latest version that's included in the installer, which you seem to be complaining about.

1226 - Aug 28th 2013 - This is the version that Simbio posted TODAY. It adds the C17 area, so the C17 .BGL is supposed to be removed. There are now 237 parkings, 50 MIL CARGO and 48 MIL COMBAT.

This means:

1) At NO POINT in time, we had an AFCAD without the correct military designations. I thought we might have done that, because I made the mistake of just trusting your report of military AI formerly working and then disappear after the update, without checking it first.

2) There were NO differences in all the military parkings in every AFCAD that has been released so far, except the very first release didn't had any military parking at all. There's no difference in the first patch of 2010, and the 2011 update when parkings are concerned, surely not the military area.

3) The ONLY thing different the NEW AFCAD which was posted yesterday, is the addition of the parkings in the area were the static C17 are now, which of course requires the static .BGL for the C17s to be removed.

This means, if you really had your military AI working before, and not working now, it doesn't depend on something we "changed" in the AFCAD, it must be something else.

Find in the attached .ZIP file, the COMPLETE history of all AFCAD ever released (and even some that *weren't* released)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 06:05:38 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2013, 06:24:17 pm »
Thank you for admitting you  made a mistake with regard to parking.  I will try all AFCADS and report back to you....There is a reason why AI is NOT appearing on the Hickam airfield and  will find out why. I thought this was your job. I guess I'll do all the WORK to FIX it and test it and report back to you. How much do you pay hourly? and will I be given the credit to making your product fully useable with Military AI? and Will you give make a special announcement with MAIW so that MORE people will want to buy your scenery NOW that I have fixed it??? Why don't you install MAIW Hickam change the FP to 1HNL and send me a screen shot and show me the AI on the field? I suspect this exercise is going to be a colossal waste of my time. Which afcad was the one I bought? Which version? I bought your first release and the AI worked fine. When I upgraded it did not!
What did you do??????? THEY DO NOT APPEAR you DID something to the PARKING. Are you upset with me that I provided a solution to make your scenery more enjoyable with military AI ? Are you upset with me because you never heard of MAIW AI?  I am stunned by the fact that we wasted hours talking about parking and you INCORRECTLY told me you wiped out the parking and replaced it with GA RAMP and now you say you didn't! Either way AI is not appearing...why should they appear now with these afcads you supplied
and not with the afcad your designer posted for me to try???? They won''s another wild goose chase. You must have WIPED out the parking in the ADE/ even though the codes show up in the old afcads.


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2013, 06:45:31 pm »
Thank you for admitting you  made a mistake with regard to parking.

You got it BACKWARDS: I've made a mistake admitting the parkings were wrongly labeled as being all GA, but they WEREN'T!! They were always been correct. My only mistake, was to believe this might be the issue, because I simply trusted your report without checking it first.

There is a reason why AI is NOT appearing on the Hickam airfield and  will find out why.

And it will be interesting, to eventually find out the scenery was always fine, as it's seems to be surfacing by now.

I thought this was your job. I guess I'll do all the WORK to FIX it and test it and report back to you. How much do you pay hourly?

You got it BACKWARDS again: it's because of your report of the AFCAD supposedly be "changed" after an update that according to your description killed the AI, that we are losing our time, for something that probably didn't had to be fixed in the first place.

And you got it backwards even regarding why I've posted all the old AFCADs. NOT so "you can do the work", but just because YOU ASKED for THEM, and not just because of that, also as a PROOF that you were wrong all time.

and will I be given the credit to making your product fully useable with Military AI? and Will you give make a special announcement with MAIW so that MORE people will want to buy your scenery NOW that I have fixed it???

Now you are really embarrassing you. Facts are:

1) You said we "changed the AFCAD" in some way that military AI don't work anymore

2) Turned out you are WRONG. The AFCAD had its military parkings flagged just fine, and it hasn't changed. Not in the parkings, at least.

3) We ADDED the parking for the C17 today, but that's just something else in addition of the other military parkings which were always fine before.

So WHAT, exactly, you did, other than filing bogus reports ?

Why don't you install MAIW Hickam change the FP to 1HNL and send me a screen shot and show me the AI on the field?

Of course, I've just downloaded it now.

I suspect this exercise is going to be a colossal waste of my time. Which afcad was the one I bought? Which version? I bought your first release and the AI worked fine. When I upgraded it did not!

If you cared to read my message more carefully (as usual), it would have been very clear which files were released at which dates. Since the very first release from January 2010 didn't had ANY military parking in the first place, I don't think you ever used that one.

What did you do??????? THEY DO NOT APPEAR you DID something to the PARKING

There are NO CHANGES to the parking. You can obviously check that with ADE, if you don't believe my report of how many parkings are labeled as military in each release.

That the fact that military AI don't appear anymore *because* "we changed the AFCAD", it's just an assumption. I'm going to check it by installing MAIW now.

Are you upset with me that I provided a solution to make your scenery more enjoyable with military AI ?

You haven't provided ANY "solution". Right now, the only thing you provided, is a report that might be eventually proven to be NOT depending on our scenery.

Are you upset with me because you never heard of MAIW AI?  

Again, you got it backwards. The one that looks upset it's you, exactly for the reason because I never heard of MAIW AI before. Is that a problem ? Not for me, but it looks like it IS, for you.

I am stunned by the fact that we wasted hours talking about parking and you INCORRECTLY told me you wiped out the parking and replaced it with GA RAMP and now you say you didn't!

Yes, that's was a mistake. As I've said, I've made the mistake of TRUSTING your report, instead of checking it first. Now, I've learn that, each time you say something, I need to verify it beforehand, because it's likely to be wrong.

Same as the issue you reported about the static C17 being supposedly "out of scale". I've checked that one too, and THEY ARE FINE.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 06:47:37 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Military AI and AFCAD 2013
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2013, 07:03:03 pm »
Why don't you install MAIW Hickam change the FP to 1HNL and send me a screen shot and show me the AI on the field?

Here they are: installation couldn't be simpler:

1) I've installed PHNL using the released installer we have online now. I haven't even changed the AFCAD with the new one posted.

2) Downloaded the "Alaska and Island" package from MAIW here:

Is this the correct one ? I think so, because it works beautifully :)

3) I've removed the MAIW AFCAD, because it's made for the default PHNL.


Find below screenshots of C17 and F15 happily working at PHNL, as released. This FINALLY PROVES that, the AFCAD that comes with the scenery is JUST FINE, we might discuss about the issues static C17s, but the fact is, MAIW WORKS with PHNL with no need for any fixes.

If you don't see any military AI on your system, you must have made some kind of mistake somewhere else, but surely the scenery it's not the issue. MAYBE it's the change from PHNL to 1HNL in the flight plan. But that's entirely unrelated to the AFCAD itself, since it's the traffic.bgl which is going to be affected (the MAIW one, of course)

Do you HAVE military AI at PHNL, if you DON'T change the flightplans, and leave them as MAIW distributes it ?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 07:08:12 pm by virtuali »


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« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2013, 07:14:12 pm »
Wonderful! :) Interesting you did not have to make changes to the Flight Plane and recode the traffic file to read 1HNL? If No I will simply revert my flight plans to PHNL and I should see the traffic.

I have just tried the first 4 afcads you sent and none worked although I did notice to fed ex cessna caravans parked in the fighter hangers lol!  and I still saw civilian aircraft parked at hickam. I will report back to you shortly, using your method.