Author Topic: Really Picky  (Read 3694 times)


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Really Picky
« on: February 06, 2012, 06:32:07 pm »
I know I'm going to be really picky here, but if you don't say, you don't get!  I have three items that could perhaps be looked at in the future.
1.  I am using a TripleHeadtoGo Unit  (and three projectors) for my 737-800 setup.  That of course means I have the normal front view, plus left and right, that some would either use their Number Pad or Yoke buttons to see.  To the point; when I am pushed back, and my Marshaller and push truck are finished, Marshaller will walk away to the side, but before he is out of vision he simply disappears!  Is there away that he could be made to walk further, so he actually walks out of vision?

2.  The same thing on coming onto gate, the Marshaller will walk away when you are stopped, but again still in sight will disappear.  Could he either simply remain, or walk further away?

3.  I know this has been mentioned before, but I to would like to see an increase in the speed allowed while coming onto the Gate.  5mph is just a touch too slow, and I find myself often coming to a stop, and of course have to use loads of power to get me moving again.  Not so worried about being 'green', but difficult to control.
All very picky I know!!