Thanks Andrew. There's no need for a refund, however I appreciate you offering.
Believe me, I feel bad posting those comments earlier, and you shouldn't feel saddened, however at the present that is how I feel.
I understand that you are new to this and that's why I am not grumpy like some consumers are. However, I would like to see you continue to work to improve the sceneries that you have already made, rather than rush to put out more. If I were you, I would place a premium over quality rather than quantity. The quantity will come later once you get to really know your way around the designs and processes. Plus, if you have some quality people come on board with you that have experience that will help you as well.
This being said, I posted a few things on your forum needing some help.
Going forward I will post questions to you on your board rather than consuming more space on Umbertos board, so keep checking it, lol.