also the anomaly with the megascenery terrain oly happes with YOUR scenery.
You haven't answered my question but, from this sentence, it seems that you have the issue with Megascenery only.
While we never advertize anywhere explicit compatibility with Megascenery, or with any other 3rd party addon for that matter, the REASON why we offer Trial version for all products, it's becasue we can't obviously test our addons with everything that is out there so, what the better judge than yourself, to test the product on your own system with your installed addons ?
About the Megascenery issue, searching the KLAS forum using just "Megascenery" as keyword, give a couple of results: shows some users had troubles, but NONE of them was caused by KLAS scenery, in one case it was a problem of UTX+Megascenery, in the other it was due to the user having changed the priority of KLAS.
i am very VERYfrusterated here. sometimes your scenery works sometimes it does
now it doesnt . i tried to recreate the fs9.cfg file but it didnt wor. I am very mad and angry of having spent more than 40 bucks on two sceneries whcih hardly work.
First, as I've said already, the sceneries are sold as Try-Before-Buy.
However, we need to find what else in your system is *preventing* them to work.
First, it should be verified if the issue is created by Megascenery, or it's an entirely different issue like, for example, the software not running, that's why I've asked what's happening with Megascenery disabled.
To check if the software is running, the suggestions are the usual (there are several threads about "No buildings", that you might have looked upon ):
- First check you are using the current version of the scenery or at least of the Addon Manager. If unsure, download the scenery again and reinstall it, or at least download the Stand-alone Addon Manager for FSX and install it.
- Then, check if you see BOTH the "Addon Manager" and the "Couatl powered plugins" menus under the "Addons" menu option.
If you don't see one menu, or both, it might be your antivirus fault, that is mistakenly blocking the programs from running. In this case, as was explained many times already:
1) Reinstall the scenery with the antivirus DISABLED
2) Configure the antivirus to exclude the following files:
3) re-activate the antivirus and launch FSX again.