except that I could not see the de-icers ... all the sounds were there, I just could not see the trucks
+1 same here
Again, I can only repeat and confirm that, if you install either the vehicle updates or the GSX full installer, it's not possible you would hear the sound but not see the vehicles.
Invisible objects might be caused, instead, by wrong video tweaks/settings. Try all the following:
- Update your video driver
- Reset your video driver settings to default
- Reset the FSX settings to default, by removing the following file:
This will force FSX to rebuild a new config with all default settings. After doing this, be sure you apply the HIGHMEMFIX tweak in the Addon Manager, save the settings and restart FSX.
If this still doesn't fix it, be sure you don't run FSX into any of the "Compatibility" modes. Every checkmark in the Compatibility tab of the Properties for FSX.EXE should be off.