Author Topic: Flightplan Problems  (Read 3151 times)


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Flightplan Problems
« on: August 25, 2009, 02:56:05 pm »

This is a two part post, first I would like to know what the best program for making flightplans for fs2004( other than its native program) is - payware or freeware it doesn't matter.

Next, the MAIN reason for this post is becasue twice now i've tried to fly from VHHH to KJFK -14+ hrs- using the CLS A340-600, and over the Arctic somewhere I run out of fuel- It doesn't make sense considering I left all the weights set to thier default value and and the fuel tanks to 100% so my range should have been at least 7000nm. My cruise altitude both times was 35,000ft, and my speed the first time was mach.84 - then the second time I tried mach.80. When I was making the flight pln, i selected direct GPS and notice that the "direct" route took me way up into the arctic and back down to New York- does the default flt pln creator even give you the shortest route when you select direct GPS?- and why does it do this? :huh:

Any answers will help Thanks