Author Topic: Re-install FSdreateam Products to a different location  (Read 3563 times)


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Re-install FSdreateam Products to a different location
« on: February 18, 2012, 07:09:48 pm »
Due to a conflick with my REX 2.0 and the programs folder x86 had me copy and paste the microsoft folder to the "C" hard drive. I was able to successfully launch the REX 2.0 program all of my addons were there but no FSDreamteam addons. Is there a method for re-installion to a different location that REX can see?


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Re: Re-install FSdreateam Products to a different location
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2012, 07:29:44 pm »
Just "moving" the whole FSX folder to a different place, and expecting things would work, is asking for trouble, because the registry entries still points to the old installation and, even if something might "appear" to work, the next time you'll run an installer, it will likely be confused.

To fix issues with products that are not Vista/Win7 compliant, and try to write in the FSX folder (they shouldn't, a proper Vista/Win7 application should write *only* under %APPDATA% ), there are much better ways than moving the whole FSX folder, for example:

- Turn off UAC

OR, even better:

- Change the permissions for the FSX folder (and its subfolders), and add your user name with "Full control" permissions.

This way, programs launched in regular mode and not as Administrator, will be allowed to write in the FSX folder, even if it's located under C:\Program Files, and without requiring to turn off UAC entirely, and without having to always run everything as Administrator.

Of course, if you have to reinstall FSX from scratch anyways, it's usually easier to install into a custom folder, like "C:\FSX", but if you already have a running installation, the permission change is the best option, and won't create any side effects with anything.


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Re: Re-install FSdreateam Products to a different location
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 02:29:21 pm »
Umberto, all I have to say is thanks, I took the later advise on permisson folders and it's probably the best move ever. I no longer fear the Win 7 folder restrictions. FSdreateam KJFK/KORD/GSX all workiing great with REX 2.0. Never happier.