Author Topic: GSX crashing with new update due to couatl not being on latest build  (Read 1222 times)


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During my last sessions when trying to board passengers GSX suddenly crashes with the following log:


couatl v4.8 (build 5421)
panic log started on Sat Aug  3 00:06:59 2024

problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\common\", line 205, in _observer
  File ".\common\", line 236, in _advanceWalk
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 140, in approachSeat
AttributeError: 'AnimationPlayerA' object has no attribute 'endAnimation'
{'Airport': 'LPPR', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 34', 'User Pos': (41.23684999794074, -8.672516666408262, 72.3 m, 2.84733 m, 78.41995314478268, 0.0006091531861072592, 0.001745329238474369, -0.00017348558087166917, 3.18211187210083, 1.0)}


I've readen another forum ( saying that GSX is suposed  to be on the 5445 version. I followed every steps of the forum, adding the addon manager of the antivirus exclusions, running another update, restarting computer and even re-installed GSX but after doing all of this i still can't see any change and the same error occur.

Thanks in advance for the apported suport.


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Re: GSX crashing with new update due to couatl not being on latest build
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2024, 03:30:25 pm »
Fixed simply by deleting GSX AND the addon manager folder (make sure to also remove it from the bin) and then simply re-install GSX from fsdt installer.