When the Refuel-Process is finished (Tanks filled to planned Value and Fuel-Amount not increasing anymore) the Fuel-Trucks stays still connected (and Refuel Sound is still played) for roughly a 1 Minute until it finally disconnects.
Scenery: virtualFRA, A24
Airplane: Fenix (.407) with Fenix2GSX (native GSX Stuff disabled in the EFB). EDIT: Fenix2GSX is set to Refuel with a Rate of 60kg/s. With its Default-Rate of 28kg/s that does not happen.
Airplane Default: It is a custom Profile, but I only changed the Container-Typ to AKH. So basically Default with AKH Containers.
Gate Customization used:
[gate a 24]
nopassengerstairs = 0
nopassengerbus = 1
ignoreicaoprefixes = 0
ignorepreferredexit = 0
snapleftpushbackpos = 0
snaprightpushbackpos = 0
undergroundrefueling = 0
dontcreatejetways = 0
disablepaxbarriers = 0
parkingsystem = SafeDockT42
hasjetway = 1
pushback = 3
pushbackaddpos = []
pushbacklabels = Area 2 (Facing West)|Area 4 (Facing West)
maxwingspan = 44.0
radiusleft = 22.0
radiusright = 17.6
loadertype = 3 3 2
airlinecodes =
type = 9
handlingtexture =
cateringtexture =
passengerpaththickness = 2.5
walkertype = GsxJetwayPassenger
walkerpaththickness = 2.5
walkerloopstart = 0
jetway_pos = 50.0454487278843 8.56623077765107 309.990234375
usercustomized = 1
this_parking_pos = 50.0453308815314 8.56583690426847 115.03
parkingsystem_stopposition = 50.0452994139256 8.56594224019983 115.03
baggage_loader_front_pos = 50.0450757312984 8.56595707488145 -78.97
baggage_loader_rear_pos = 50.0451098656171 8.56569220619483 -69.97
baggage_train_front_pos = 50.0451934015485 8.56592946580338 -63.47
baggage_train_rear_pos = 50.045163417475 8.5658775157184 -67.47
parkingsystem_objectposition = 50.0452378369183 8.56616626333592 -64.97 1.04
pushback_pos = 50.0452235284806 8.5662005416885 -64.97
stairs_rear_pos = 50.0454799959383 8.56602713656479 -94.97
gatedistancethreshold = 25.0
nopassengerbus_deboarding = 1
disablepaxbarriers_deboarding = 0
pushbacktype = 0
passengerpaththickness_deboarding = 2.5
pushbackleftpos = 50.04562819 8.564488892 -154.97
pushbackleftapproachpos = 50.04557969 8.564982537 115.3707049
pushbackleftapproachpos2 = 50.04588561 8.564684662 -155.0304015
pushbackrightpos = 50.0451194 8.563656516 -109.97
pushbackrightapproachpos = 50.04559311 8.564938666 115.2864544
pushbackrightapproachpos2 = 50.04593741 8.56471877 -139.7135456
pushbackrightapproachpos3 = 50.04517721 8.564138758 -151.4430195
Note, this happens also on the HorizonSim 787-9 (GE) + WorkingTitle2GSX. There it takes even longer (5-10 Minutes?) before the Fuel-Truck finally leaves.
Location: virtualFRA, A 52
Aircraft-Profile: attached
[gate a 52]
nopassengerstairs = 0
nopassengerbus = 1
ignoreicaoprefixes = 0
ignorepreferredexit = 0
snapleftpushbackpos = 0
snaprightpushbackpos = 0
undergroundrefueling = 1
dontcreatejetways = 0
disablepaxbarriers = 0
parkingsystem = SafeDockT42LSupport
hasjetway = 1
pushback = 3
pushbackaddpos = [{'snap': False, 'approach': [(50.04735806090472, 8.565177837248608, -18.53642308476388), (50.047234246565964, 8.565761068726113, -108.48187712063432), (50.04734146452493, 8.566129666670426), (50.04742280442052, 8.566265172458317), (50.047493680060796, 8.566437282388838), (50.04759504514131, 8.566576917336885), None, None, None], 'pos': (50.0477161018, 8.56667545718, -155.53), 'label': u'Area 1 (Medium)'}, {'snap': False, 'approach': [(50.047366695326566, 8.565185277737411, -19.9428499878248), (50.04663277665993, 8.565204527951535, 22.81830737894561), None, None, None, None, None, None, None], 'pos': (50.046873105, 8.56417194496, -110.41), 'label': u'N8 Orange (Facing West)'}, {'snap': False, 'approach': [(50.047366695326566, 8.565185277737411, -19.9428499878248), (50.04625520226121, 8.564945715383441, 22.81830737894561), None, None, None, None, None, None, None], 'pos': (50.0464223932, 8.56412849365, -110.41), 'label': u'N8 Blue (Facing West)'}, {'snap': False, 'approach': [(50.047462632829124, 8.565103293630402, -20.1510080312733), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], 'pos': (50.0469934405, 8.56471019269, 69.59), 'label': u'N8 Orange (Facing East)'}, {'snap': False, 'approach': [(50.047290455559015, 8.565201411414634, -20.1510080312733), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], 'pos': (50.0464947591, 8.56446654342, 69.59), 'label': u'N8 Blue (Facing East)'}]
pushbacklabels = Area 3 (Facing West)|Area 5 (Facing East)
maxwingspan = 70.0
radiusleft = 35.0
radiusright = 28.0
loadertype = 3 3 2
airlinecodes = DLH
type = 10
handlingtexture =
cateringtexture =
passengerpaththickness = 2.0
walkertype = GsxJetwayPassenger
walkerpaththickness = 2.5
walkerloopstart = 0
jetway_pos = 50.0479368121077 8.56439128518104 180
usercustomized = 1
this_parking_pos = 50.0477483276699 8.56495591451358 -20.41
parkingsystem_stopposition = 50.0479355577946 8.56484725879197 -20.41
pushback_pos = 50.0480797240942 8.56458880088992 69.59
baggage_loader_front_pos = 50.048127882886 8.56492552358992 163.09
baggage_loader_rear_pos = 50.0479326147242 8.56536051308271 158.09
baggage_train_front_pos = 50.0482174096553 8.56512632058705 -155.41
baggage_train_rear_pos = 50.0479741116718 8.56545124060757 158.59
baggage_train_main_pos = 50.0479336098331 8.5643829905768 159.59
stairs_rear_pos = 50.0476361876029 8.56439632499117 130.09
parkingsystem_objectposition = 50.0482028976302 8.5646933697647 159.59 0.358000000000001
gatedistancethreshold = 25.0
nopassengerbus_deboarding = 1
disablepaxbarriers_deboarding = 0
pushbacktype = 0
passengerpaththickness_deboarding = 2.5
pushbackleftpos = 50.04653705 8.563834326 -110.41
pushbackleftapproachpos = 50.0470973 8.565300195 -15.88254529
pushbackleftapproachpos2 = 50.04640746 8.565050185 23.83958291
pushbackleftapproachpos3 = 50.04671795 8.564700311 -92.62235963
pushbackrightpos = 50.04635191 8.563029639 69.59
pushbackrightapproachpos = 50.04748447 8.565111411 -19.86498204
pushbackrightapproachpos2 = 50.04664327 8.564275103 69.28811614
passengerentergatepos = (50.04830351465412, 8.564867210802776, 4.508000000000004)
passengerwaypoints = [(50.047867985327684, 8.564330326793566, 4.508000000000004), (50.048126787983904, 8.564177471497137, 4.508000000000004)]
Log attached.