Products Support > Zurich V2 for MSFS

Jetways in Zurich don‘t look real


Good day
I noticed that the jetways in LSZH don‘t appear to be as realistic as the potentially could be. This is just a small thing but It would be awesome if that could be adjusted somehow. I guess it should be more greyish and less bluish. I gave you a comparison with two images: one of your scenery and one in real life. Hope you all have a great week.

Kind regards

Yes, this is true. I just noticed this last week when I was flying to Brussels. The glass color especially is way off. Hopefully this gets fixed

Any chances that some parts of the airport like these jetways may be redone for the new MSFS2024? Or generally speaking can we expect some changes with the new FS2024 regarding the LSZH scenery? Have such questions been discussed already?

We can't possibly say anything about which improvements might be possible with MSFS 2024, the first SDK is supposed to be released at the end of September so, assuming MS would meet this date, we might be able to say more by then.


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