Author Topic: Need to stop engines Error with PMDG 737  (Read 1305 times)


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Need to stop engines Error with PMDG 737
« on: July 23, 2023, 03:16:40 pm »

PMDG updated the 737 line on July 15. Since then, GSX does not detect the engines-off condition. GSX works correctly with other brands (Aerosoft / Fenix / MSFS stock) of aircraft.

Sequence of events:

1. Select a PMDG 737
2. Select airport starting position
3. Click Ready to Fly
4. GSX menu appears normally
5. Reposition a/c normally with GSX
6. Shut down engines
7. Invoke GSX
8. GSX responds with ...You need to stop the engines...etc


Thank you


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  • Posts: 26
Re: Need to stop engines Error with PMDG 737
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2023, 12:55:10 am »
Problem solved.

Realized that my Thrusmaster Airbus throttle quadrant was (unintentionally) connected with the engine masters on.

Don't laugh.

Thank you to those who took a look at my post.
