Author Topic: Could not create the log file at . . . ERROR  (Read 1948 times)


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Could not create the log file at . . . ERROR
« on: May 08, 2023, 11:53:43 pm »
Hi all. I keep getting this error everytime I start MSFS and when I close down MSFS. GSX seems to work fine--this error is just a small inconvenience, but I'd like to fix it. Any help would be appreciated!

Captain Kevin

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Re: Could not create the log file at . . . ERROR
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2023, 01:39:09 pm »
And if you go to where it said the log was created, posting that here would help.
Captain Kevin


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Re: Could not create the log file at . . . ERROR
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2023, 09:34:20 pm »
Thanks for the suggestion, Captain Kevin. I don't know why I didn't think of posting that. I do see the error message in the "Loading" section. My community folder is actually on a different drive and is linked to the MSFS Community folder in my "C" drive. I just don't know how to tell Couati that the DC-3 is loaded there. It doesn't seem to have any problem with ANY other aircraft. Here's the LOG file contents:

Running in mode: Microsoft Flight Simulator
Python 2.7.16 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (default, Mar  9 2019, 21:32:11) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] wxPython
couatl v4.8 (build 5196)
log started on Tue May  9 14:29:53 2023
« Last Edit: May 10, 2023, 11:06:19 am by virtuali »


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Re: Could not create the log file at . . . ERROR
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2023, 11:08:20 am »
Hi all. I keep getting this error everytime I start MSFS and when I close down MSFS. GSX seems to work fine--this error is just a small inconvenience, but I'd like to fix it. Any help would be appreciated!

That's because you made a mistake editing the Couatl_MSFS.INI file, like an illegal character, a not existing path or something like that, so the program is telling you that, since it couldn't create the log file on the location you specified, it created one in the sim own executable folder.

Removing the Couatl_MSFS.INI you edited will surely fix this.

My community folder is actually on a different drive and is linked to the MSFS Community folder in my "C" drive.

If this is how you really have the sim configured ( just the Community folder linked on another drive ), it's a problem, because that's not the correct way to move the MSFS Content to a different drive, it's not even the one that saves the most space, because if the reason for moving to a different drive was to save space, linking just the Community folder will not move the 150+ GB of the Official folder.

The one and only proper way to move the MSFS Content to a different drive, which is the officially supported method, is NOT "linking the Community" but, instead, specify a custom path for the whole MSFS Content, that is the folder which contains BOTH the Community and the Official folders.

Here's a post which explain in detail how to "fix" an installation made using the wrong method ( linking the Community ), to one using the proper one:,27258.msg178611.html#msg178611

GSX assumes you are using the correct method, that is both Official and Community folder both being in the path specified in the UserCfg.opt file.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2023, 11:17:26 am by virtuali »


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Re: Could not create the log file at . . . ERROR
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2023, 04:20:59 am »
Umberto, Thank you so much for helping solve my problem. I did indeed delete the Couatl_MSFS.INI file and that fixed it. I should say that I never edited that file, but deleting it fixed whatever error was in there. Thank you also for the link that shows how to move the Community folders properly. I'll do this soon as I will be rebuilding MSFS again soon.

P.S. The more I use GSX, the better it gets. Great program.