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New discount options

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--- Quote from: Manny on October 28, 2013, 02:56:02 am ---This would hurt the ones who buy all FSDT products on day 1 (the regulars).  Since this group picks one at a time (at time of release)
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Not all regulars are following us since the start of FSDT. Someone might become a regular after a new release, shouldn't we offer a discount if he would like to pick up something that he missed from the existing catalogue  ?

Whelp! I don't want be argumentative. It's your call.

I generally buy most FSDTs  addon on day one.  but I used to be in the camp that you mentioned before I got totally on board on FSDT. so yeah I have benefited from this group p purchase. But right now, the only addon I don't have is CYVR. Now I would have to wait till Houston.

But I was just  musing it would hurt your most loyal customers though. Or rather they don't benefit.  I would have thought  it would benefit to reward early purchasers in some way.



--- Quote from: Manny on October 28, 2013, 04:49:27 pm ---I would have thought  it would benefit to reward early purchasers in some way.
--- End quote ---

We always did that. We had many launch discounts based on previous purchases, for example CYVR launch had a discount option for previous GSX purchasers. Hawaii airports had discounts based on previous PHNL purchasers, etc.

Hello i have all the fsdreamteam products except zurich kloten, i want to purchase via simmarket, what can i enter in the coupon box.

Bruce Hamilton:
You'd have to buy it here to use any of these coupons.  Sim Market runs their own sales.


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