I ran into this issue yesterday, but managed to eventually resolve the issue:
I'm running Windows 10
I'm running FSX Acceleration Pack
I was using the PMDG 772 aircraft
I was using Flightbeam KSFOHD airport
1. Before opening FSX I had updated GSX Level 2 with the 20 September 2019 update
2. Opened FSX
3. Accepted GSX as trusted
4. Accepted Addon Manager as trusted
5. Created a free flight, placing the PMDG 772 at KSFO gate G94
6. Configured the aircraft with APU running and both engines shutdown
7. Opened the GSX Customize Airport Positions
8. Replaced the Marshaller with a Safe Dock system
9. Changed the aircraft Stop Position
10. Applied the changes
11. Closed the GSX Customize Airport Positions window
12. Opened GSX Activate Ground Services
13. Selected Option 6 - Operate jetway(s)
14. Received the "SODE is unavailable, jetways will not animate" message
15. Opened Add-ons, SODE 1.6.3 and selected the "Test DLL Connections" option - SODE returned GREEN
16. Tried to operate the jetways again, but still received the "SODE is unavailable..." message
17. Opened Add-ons, SODE 1.6.3 and selected the "Reload all" option - SODE returned GREEN
18. Tried to operate the jetways again, but still received the "SODE is unavailable..." message
19. Exited the flight and closed FSX
20. Re-opened FSX and created a free flight as in steps 5 and 6
21. Opened the GSX Activate Ground Services window
22. Selected Option 6 - Operate jetway(s)
23. Received a new message stating the jetways could not be operated as they were already connected to the aircraft, however they were not
24. Opened Add-ons, Couatl settings and selected "Restart Couatl and rebuild airport cache"
25. Airport cache successfully rebuilt in 12 seconds
26. Opened the GSX Activate Ground Services window
27. Selected Option 6 - Operate jetway(s)
28. Selected Jetway front to L Entry 1 and Jetway aft to L Entry 2
29. Confirmed selection
30. Jetways operated normally