I'm still working on it. Adding and changing minor little things. Things done so far:
1. Ensured all apron, taxiways, runways were set with correct draw flags per P3Dv4 requirements - draw surface and draw detail must all be set to Yes
2. Removed excess parking positions - I use traffic from AIGAIM-OCI and have all flightplans installed, traffic slider at 70% and there are still plenty of open gates at LTFM
3. Fixed all Fault Finder faults
4. Added T marks to parking positions that were kept
5. Added vehicle paths (I have NOT verified if they will interfere with current scenery yet as far as if it goes thru a building or the like)
6. Cleaned up excess and unnecessary nodes - after adding the vehicle paths, the taxi link count went above 4,000 which causes a compile error.
7. Deleted all approaches that were previously added and added new approaches for runways 16R, 17L, 34L, and 35R which per current Navigraph AIRAC are the only runways with approaches. The approaches are set per current AIRAC data including waypoint names and locations and missed approach procedures. I noticed that prior to adding the new approaches that all traffic approaching 34R were all doing missed approaches for some reason. 34R isn't even supposed to be a landing runway anyway. I'm hoping the new approaches fixed this issue but have yet to verify.
8. Reassigned runway takeoff/landing patterns - only the 4 runways listed in #6 are allowed for landing now while all runways are allowed for takeoff
I am at this point ready to see how everything looks in the sim and monitor the traffic for a bit. The scenery does come with jetways hard coded into the scenery so I need to use Model Converter to see if they can be removed thereby allowing GSX to place SODI jetways. The jetways with the scenery seem to be static so wont work with GSX or with Cntl+J.
All that being said, per the documentation included in the download: "All VATSIM and IVAO regions also virtual airlines can load this scenery to their database then
they need permission to share." -- Key words there being "they NEED permission to share" ... that means that
no, I can't just upload the completed afcad file here since I don't have permission to do so. Please understand that. I have not decided if i will request permission to upload the afcad since I feel it may be offensive if I were to tell them that the original was massively flawed (how they don't know that already tho is beyond me. I don't think it would have worked with AI traffic as it is in original state). I feel it would be easier for someone with a few hours to kill can just do the edits themselves. I went further than needed to get the airport to work correctly with AI traffic (like adding vehicle paths and adding approaches to match AIRAC data rather than just a default straight in approach). As I stated before, cleaning up the Fault Finder took me only 30 minutes or less to fix. Approaches took an hour to put in all 4 including missed approaches. Use this website for the Lat/Lon of the waypoints:
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiG86n98sDlAhXK6Z4KHS1YAMQQFjANegQIBxAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fans.dhmi.gov.tr%2FgetBinaryFile.aspx%3FType%3D2%26dosyaID%3D16614&usg=AOvVaw2Zc8s6P3yFRQw2iVlpUMcz --- It will be a PDF file with all the info in to. Simply copy/paste the coordinates into the waypoint editor in ADE Approach mode. The PDF has them in XX:XX:XX.XXA format, but ADE will convert that to the decimal format automatically.
Bottom line, IF I do ask to share the file here, it will be some time but again, I'm not sure I want to offend a community by asking to upload a corrected version of their hard work.