Author Topic: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue  (Read 18007 times)


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GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« on: August 26, 2018, 06:27:38 am »
  • GSX
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  • QualityWings 787

I cannot refuel the 787.  The fueler shows up and connects to the fueling port but the fuel quantity never increases.  I keep getting the following message:  "Please use the refueling system of your aircraft".

I've tried everything from the QW dispatcher fuel section to the FMC Fuel entry data field.

Any ideas???



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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2018, 04:24:30 pm »
I cannot refuel the 787.  The fueler shows up and connects to the fueling port but the fuel quantity never increases.  I keep getting the following message:  "Please use the refueling system of your aircraft".

Have you read the GSX manual, the part that explain refueling, and how different it works, when the airplane has been flagged as NOT using the default fuel system (I guess QW has configured it that way) ?

With such airplanes, GSX will NEVER touch the fuel quantity, so you are supposed to use whatever method the airplane has to load fuel (as the message says), and you must do it exactly after you see that message, not before, as explained on the GSX manual.

I haven't see the QW787, so I don't know if it has different ways to load fuel, or if it has a progressive refueling simulation and if i does, if it has the alternative to load fuel instantly. In any case, the GSX manual has two examples using different 3rd party airplanes, with a progressive refuel simulation and with an instant fuel load.


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2018, 01:18:11 pm »
Make sure that the fuel quantity you enter into the aircrafts tanks is an INCREASE from what you started with before you called the fuel truck. If I remember correctly, the QW787 starts with full tanks. You need to reduce that amount to less then you need. At that point, call for refueling. When GSX asks you to use the custom refueling, then enter the amount you require. (which at this point should be an INCREASE in fuel). This has worked for me anyway.



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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2020, 02:46:52 pm »
Hi I haven't found a better thread than this.

My Issue is refueling QW 787 and FSX with GSX 2

The refuelling, another fuel truck works only maybe in 50% of the cases.

The first truck (was requesting e.g. 135000 lbs in the dialog) usually fills the aicraft up to e.g. 79000 lbs.
Then it announces another truck is on it's way.
When the second truck arrives it maybe adds 500 lbs or nothing.
Then it announces refuelling completed still with 79000/ requested 135000.

So then I make a brand new fuel request for 135000 lbs.
The truck arrives and sometimes he makes the job and adds the fuel from 79000 up to 135000, and sometimes  it just announces refuelling completed
And then maybe on the third or forth Request fuel it comes to an end.

Mats Sederholm
« Last Edit: December 09, 2020, 12:04:20 am by mseder »


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2021, 03:25:38 pm »
So any response to the refueling above?

Another fuel truck do not refuel, it just says refueling completed though the requested amount is higher than the existing at the refueling moment.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 03:50:34 pm by mseder »


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2021, 01:49:02 pm »
Don't ask for a 2nd refueling, it's likely the previous one was still completing, and the additional truck was probably still on the way.


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2022, 07:14:47 pm »

One year later and still no fix.
The truck comes for a refueling and announces fueling completed without adding the remaining fuel.
The Activate Ground Service menu then tells "Request refueling"

Are you saying I can't trust what GSX announces?


« Last Edit: January 30, 2022, 07:49:17 pm by mseder »


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2022, 08:04:06 pm »
One year later and still no fix.

Well, of course there's "no fix", since there was nothing to be fixed in the first place.

And, you never replied to my last post, which said the issue happened because you must have asked for a refueling while the truck was still coming from the previous refueling, likely done using the "Multiple Trips" option.


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2022, 08:39:52 pm »
"Well, of course there's "no fix", since there was nothing to be fixed in the first place."

If the plane ain't refueled with the amount of fuel it was told to, then it's not working and I guess a fix is needed.

"the issue happened because you must have asked for a refueling while the truck was still coming from the previous refueling"
That's why I explained every single step in the procedure that was taken. Did you find the  possibility of asking for refueling while the truck was on it's way in my explanation?

The simple answer is NO, I just let GSX do its thing uninterrupted. Not until is says refueling completed... well... read my last post again!   
« Last Edit: January 30, 2022, 08:41:47 pm by mseder »


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2022, 10:59:25 am »
If the plane ain't refueled with the amount of fuel it was told to, then it's not working and I guess a fix is needed.

This sentence seems to indicate you don't fully understand how the GSX refueling works on 3rd party airplanes.  Most of them have custom fuel systems, and they are flagged as such in the GSX internal database, the QW787 surely is. However, you can also set this yourself, by UN-checking the "Use default fuel/cargo page" in the Airplane customization window.

When the airplane is set that way, which is the most common case for 3rd party airplanes, GSX IS NOT REFUELING THE PLANE!!! This because such planes use their own load/refuel procedures, so GSX is not trying to interfere and, it will let the plane REFUEL ITSELF, as it always did, JUST reacting to its animations to the process, but not touching any of the plane tanks.

So, whatever issue you have with the refueling quantity with any other airplane flagged as using a custom refueling system, it's not caused GSX, because the airplane in that situation is not being refueled by GSX.


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2022, 12:27:52 pm »
@mseder and other 787 users:
I'm currently working on a GSX/SimBrief Integration for the 787 - maybe you want to give that a try (Registered FSUIPC required though)?

Like Umberto described, the Plane will not be fueled and boarded by GSX directly - the Tool just slowly increases the Offsets for the Tanks / Payload Stations. But the animations will be in sync and the Fuel loaded and Passengers boarded are taken from the current dispatched SimBrief OFP. Basically: call Refuel / Board, no Inputs needed, sit back and watch your Fuel / Gross Weight grow to the dispatched Value on the EICAS ;)


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2022, 03:30:19 pm »

"you don't fully understand how the GSX refueling works on 3rd party airplanes"
"by UN-checking the "Use default fuel/cargo page" in the Airplane customization window."

There is no such choice!!


GSX IS REFUELING THE PLANE, but the second truck don't finish the job.
But this is random, sometimes it does, sometimes not. Sometimes when it says refueling completed and it's not, I THEN ask for a new refueling and THEN it does complete the job that the second truck in the first round didn't complete.
OK, do you really follow me here? If not please let me know.
And tell me, where in the manual are these circumstances described? Where, on what page?

"So, whatever issue you have with the refueling quantity with any other airplane flagged as using a custom refueling system, it's not caused GSX, because the airplane in that situation is not being refueled by GSX."

Alright, so after I select the amount of fuel in the GSX-dialog, yes GSX, GSX then message the portions of amount of fuel "[GSX] Loading fuel:...", then the fuel amount is increasing in the tanks which I can watch on the 787 instruments. All this while I'm not interfering. But according to you Umberto, it has nothing to do with GSX. Come on!!

I don't say I completely understand all this and sorry, I doubt you do as well!!

Let me conclude this:
- 787 has a custom fuel system (according to you)
- I assume that 787 also has a "Progressive refuel" as I can see how the fuel amount progressively is increasing.
- GSX is also supposed to detect this as that option is checked in the settings "Detect custom aircraft system refueling"
(If unchecked nothing happens and I have to use the 787 functionality to refuel the plane)

So I assume then that we, manual-wise are in the situation labeled "A 3rd party airplane with a Progressive Refueling simulation, the PMDG 777:" on page 19  but as that explains how it works with a PMDG 777 there are, honestly, not many trails left here in order to understand this.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 03:38:00 pm by mseder »


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2022, 05:55:52 pm »
Hi Fragtality

"the Plane will not be fueled and boarded by GSX directly "
The boarding and fueling and the animations is working, almost correct with GSX 2

What would a Simbrief tool add?

Currently I have a good package of ATC, flightplan creation and other add-ons for my FSX world.

I'm though waiting for FSDT and other add-On producers to get their products ready for MSFS which I prefer not to use that much until it has all the components in place. BTW I use simbrief for my MSFS flightplans.



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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2022, 06:26:16 pm »
Depends on the "toolchain" and the personal preferences, I guess ;)

I'm very used to the Flow I know from the FSLabs A320: The Plane retrieves the OFP from SimBrief and integrates nicely with GSX then: it loads (progressively) the correct Fuel (as per OFP) when refueled, and it boards the correct number of Passengers (as per OFB +/- small Variation) - progressively as they are walking down the Jetway.
Or in short: I'm just not used (and willing^^)  to program the Plane or GSX with the Weights and it totally annihilates the Value of GSX (imho!) to have a Ground Service Simulation when you're already sitting there with refueled & boarded Plane!  ;D

So that's the Value that a SimBrief Integration has to me.
But the Tool (currently) only really uses the Number of Passengers and the Block-Fuel from the SimBrief OFP ... would the Tool be of interest to you if these two Values could be provided by other means (Lvar/Offset/File)?


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Re: GSX+P3DV4+QW787 Refueling Issue
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2022, 10:11:24 pm »
"by UN-checking the "Use default fuel/cargo page" in the Airplane customization window." There is no such choice!!

Of course there is. It's in the Airplane customization page, the exact wording is "Show the FSX Fuel and Cargo page"


As I've said, it DEPENDS on that option, which can be user-customized, which we set to Disabled for the QW787 so, by default, that airplane is not refueled by GSX.

Alright, so after I select the amount of fuel in the GSX-dialog, yes GSX

Because the above option has been ENABLED!!!

But I assure you the QW787, in the GSX internal configuration IS set with the option DISABLED ( meaning GSX IS NOT REFUELING THE AIRPLANE ). You must understand the priority system:

- A developer-made GSX.CFG in the airplane folder will take precedence over the GSX internal configuration. Maybe QW is supplying with a GSX.CFG with the option enabled ?

- Your own change to that option has the highest priority so, it will take precedence over our own internal configuration and any developer-made config as well.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:13:20 pm by virtuali »