FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

Runways' textures and equipment



First of all, my congradulation on another super release. I bought it even without observation during trial period.

Am I correct that a part of runway textures are default (yes, I see that underlayment is custom one) as well as all the navigation equipment. I can live with that, but perhaps we may expect custom runway lighting in future patches?

Also, how this things in FSX? Are they default as well?


All our sceneries, except Zurich, have runways made this way: there's a "naked" default runway, plus a custom detail texture that will give its specific look (so, no default numbers or markings). Runway lights are default.

This will allow not having any problems (in FSX) with FS9 AI models that disappears.

The FS9 version, being a port of the FSX one, is exactly the same.


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