Aerosoft has said that they are completely remaking EDDF from scratch ( No ETA...surprise!).
For several years some Aerosoft developers have been making little comments about an EDDF remake, but I never saw an official statement about it. However I can't understand why they decided to upgrade EDDF between 2005 and 2008, when there have certainly been fewer changes to the airport than between 2008 and now (new runway!!). They might know better for themselves. Well at least I personally didn't buy the 2008 version after the 2005 version because I thought it's not worth buing a whole new scenery again. At least now I certainly would NOT be happy with the current version, mainly because of the missing new runway. I would always prefer a FSDT version of any airport over an Aerosoft version. Let's see if one day there will be a remake by anyone of them.
However what has always been a pain with EDDF was AI traffic for those who use it (like me). It never worked nearly realistically nor smooth, as Rwy 18 was either not in use or "uncontrolled" while the old Rwy 25R7L (now 25C/7C) took ALL the takeoffs, resulting in a large traffic jam at the taxiways. Maybe with the new Rwy it will become a little better, but that always prevented me from flying from or into EDDF a lot, though being from Germany and an annual visitor of the airport.