Author Topic: Aircraft stairs on GSX ??????  (Read 2750 times)

Brum X

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Aircraft stairs on GSX ??????
« on: January 15, 2014, 08:05:16 pm »
Hi guys, hope you can help. I am a new user of GSX and a new member of this forum. I successfully downloaded GSX last night onto my flightsim computer (Currently have FSX, Traffic 360 and a host of Downloaded airports) and was at San Fransisco Int Airport (Default option) taxiing to a few different gates, some with a jetbridge and some without but to my surprise i did not get an option to request aircraft steps. Is this becouse i only have the Demo at the moment and when i buy the product it will be an option or is there a problem somewhere ???? Or is there no option to request steps ??? Otherwise i thought the product was good and will be something i will consider purchasing. Hope you can help ??



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Re: Aircraft stairs on GSX ??????
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 08:41:39 pm »
You have to press CTRL+F12 and then select boarding or de-boarding
This will bring up the steps and baggage loaders ect

I would also recommend to read the manual as there is a lot more that GSX has to offer (pushback truck, catering)
The pushback is awesome
Steven Kiberton
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