Author Topic: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.  (Read 12586 times)


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Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« on: September 06, 2013, 06:54:52 am »
I have UTX USA which covers the Hawaiian Islands as well.  I am getting this strange texture/vector issue east of the airport. I am also getting a minor, less annoying one at the end of runway 5 at PHOG. What file controls this for your scenery? Can it be deleted? or is the area too big?  I know it is in your scenery, just to make sure I completely uninstalled the scenery and I did not have this issue anymore. (see files PHOG.JPG and PHOG5.JPG)

Also, I find the way that you guys set up your scenery complexity odd and lacking uniformity.  First, I don't really see any difference between Dense and Extremely Dense settings. I expected less ground objects, less baggage carts and airport trucks, but changing setting after dense doesn't seem to do anything. I would much rather have gates than a single baggage cart. See Files attached PHOGdense.JPG and PHOGxd.JPG. I don't see a difference. Was this just something where you expected everyone to have high end machines? Also, I noticed the files are split up in the scenery folder is there a file where I can get rid of all the ground clutter and just have terminals and gates at PHOG? Also I think this would help in PHNL also.  Are there any posts where you break down what bgl does what or maybe give me an idea of what files to experiment with.  I'd also like to get rid of some trees at PHNL, they seem to take a toll on FPS. 

Also, if I set my scenery complexity to normal at PHNL, I have gates at the terminal but when I land at PHOG there are no gates so I have to set the complexity higher which lowers my frame rates at PHNL.  File attached PHNLsamesettings.JPG shows PHNL at scenery complexity "normal" with gates.  File PHOGnormal.JPG shows PHOG at the "normal" setting with no gates.

Also, I have been having CTD issues, I thought I had all the culprits.  I was actually removing specific types of airplanes one by one and testing that's when I started messing with scenery complexities and traffic loads and editing afcads to get rid of some parking spots.  Editing and deleting AFCADS to have less spots seemed to help, I also lowered my airline traffic to 26% and GA to 5% that also seemed to help.

Anyway, I have been looking at many other threads and I noticed that you keep saying "our scenery doesn't load until 10NM out" Can you clarify what you mean by that?  Do you mean none of the objects load or no part of the scenery loads?  If it's just objects that's don't load until 10nm then okay that is true. However, I noticed that when flying from LIH to HNL your scenery (at least some part of it does load before 10nm) In the file attached phnl.JPG the screenshot is taken from 32NM out and clearly you can see that the ground textures from the lagoon around PHNL (which is in fact part of your scenery) have loaded.

Also, I have another UTX issue where Barber Point NAS is hanging out in the water. The coastline is actually more accurate than it was before, but I believe UTX just made the coastline so it looked correct with the misplaced airport Microsoft put there. I would still like to do something about it as it is glaringly obvious on final approach to the 8s.

Overall, a killer deal, an awesome scenery package and I'm not getting too bad of frame rates outside of PHNL.

Thank You in advance.


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 05:54:40 pm »
I have UTX USA which covers the Hawaiian Islands as well.  I am getting this strange texture/vector issue east of the airport. I am also getting a minor, less annoying one at the end of runway 5 at PHOG. What file controls this for your scenery? Can it be deleted? or is the area too big?  I know it is in your scenery, just to make sure I completely uninstalled the scenery and I did not have this issue anymore. (see files PHOG.JPG and PHOG5.JPG)

Also, I have another UTX issue where Barber Point NAS is hanging out in the water. The coastline is actually more accurate than it was before, but I believe UTX just made the coastline so it looked correct with the misplaced airport Microsoft put there. I would still like to do something about it as it is glaringly obvious on final approach to the 8s.

I hope Umberto won't mind me responding? PHJR was "properly located" shortly after the release of UTX (6+ years ago) and the file is available at Avsim. I believe a subsequent update to UTX had the developers doing their own "fix" for the airport.

The other UTX issues should be addressed to the UTX developers, not FS Dreamteam. It looks like your installation is cutting off certain files that are leaving voids in the data. So I would make sure that you have applied all the patches for the product and if the issues are not resolved then post a support request at the Flight1 forums.


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2013, 03:02:20 am »
Yeah, I had version 1.2b but after 3 hours of irritation and downloading patches to 1.4 patches to 1.5 the finally patches to v1.6 I still have the same problem (in Maui, barber point is fixed).  I don't really care at this point.  Flight Simulator X is wearing thin on me.  I spend 4 hours fixing and tweaking things for every hour of actually flying.

Flight 1 is passing the buck back to you guys.

My question is this do you have UTX USA 1.6 and the Hawaiian Scenery installed?  I have gotten a lot of unofficial advice on flightsim forums from people who did not have the same addons.   I'm sure there are others?  Is it possible I have an old version of PHOG? 
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 06:03:12 am by aniiran »


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2013, 10:33:08 am »
remouve FSDT hawaiian airport with the control panel and delete PHOG PHNL PHTO PHLI inside FSDT folder in fsx folder.
Then update and verify UTX, be sure that all option are active and coast line are working correctly.
Install FSDT hawaiian airport, the installer will check if you have UTX and place the correct file for compatibility.
File are stored inside scenery from fsdt folder for each airport.
Tonight I will look more carefull, because right now my tablet doesn't show me the screenshot more then the small preview.
There are other thread about this compatibility in the forum.
Thank you

« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 03:58:58 pm by simbio »


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2013, 09:31:26 pm »

Nevermind, I figured it out.

I saw that the UTX compatibility file in Hawaii 1 was a cvx file so I figured hey lets see if the PHOG folder has a similar file, sure enough it does.

Just rename the file cvx_PHOG.BGL file extension in the PHOG/scenery folder to .old to inactivate the BGL. 

Another question, Can I get rid of the kite surfers? They aren't always there and they are a slight drain on FPS.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 10:02:04 pm by aniiran »


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2013, 12:08:17 am »
Another question, Can I get rid of the kite surfers? They aren't always there and they are a slight drain on FPS.
Kite doesn't drain FPS, in addon manager you can lower the antipopup to  2 save to fsx and boot otherwise I can create dummy for you to replace on our library.


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2013, 04:42:39 am »
FSX performance is a mystery no one will ever solve.  For some reason I get stutters when I'm on Rwy 2 looking at the kite surfers, it could be the AI instead.  I' ve tried different anti pop up settings.  I have a stable scenery so I won't mess with anything lol. Really nice scenery, it's great you guys did all the major airports of Hawaii.  Now, if someone could just make a good 717-200 to enjoy it.


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2013, 04:54:54 pm »
Check your PM


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2013, 06:16:26 am »
I did get rid of the kites with those files, it seems to have helped the fluidity of the experience.  The problem wasn't a continuous FPS drop but a lag  that would show up every few seconds, when the kites were visible.  I'm happy with the product. Thank you.


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2018, 03:28:13 am »
So many problems with this scenery.  Ocean going up into mountains, unknown military aircraft with no landing gear at the terminal.  Tried removing any possible bgl conflict from orbx and hawaii photo real. including maui itself.  Still weird military aircraft next to gate 1 and the ocean going up into the mountains but cannot find anymore conflicting bgl's.  Sooooo frustrating.
Capn Mark Niebauer


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2018, 05:14:30 am »
So many problems with this scenery.  Ocean going up into mountains, unknown military aircraft with no landing gear at the terminal.  Tried removing any possible bgl conflict from orbx and hawaii photo real. including maui itself.  Still weird military aircraft next to gate 1 and the ocean going up into the mountains but cannot find anymore conflicting bgl's.  Sooooo frustrating.

 What AI are you using that is putting that Military aircraft on the ramp? That could very well be the source of your frustrations.


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Re: Kahului/Maui issues and questions.
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2018, 11:43:59 pm »
So many problems with this scenery.  Ocean going up into mountains, unknown military aircraft with no landing gear at the terminal.  Tried removing any possible bgl conflict from orbx and hawaii photo real. including maui itself.  Still weird military aircraft next to gate 1 and the ocean going up into the mountains but cannot find anymore conflicting bgl's.  Sooooo frustrating.

There aren't any problems with the scenery, which doesn't normally shows anything of what you described. From your description of the problem, all the problems are caused by the other conflicting sceneries you have installed.