Author Topic: Unable to install KJFK V2, Keep getting the following error  (Read 5530 times)


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Hi Guys,

I keep getting the following when running KJFK V2's install. Why is it messing with Geneva's (LSGG) airport file(s)?.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 08:30:32 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Unable to install KJFK V2, Keep getting the following error
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 04:04:53 am »

I've also noticed that I have two VIRTUALI Addon Manager X in my (Install / Uninstall Programs) listing. One is dated 10/13/2012 and the other is dated 6/18/2013



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Re: Unable to install KJFK V2, Keep getting the following error
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2013, 08:36:52 pm »
I keep getting the following when running KJFK V2's install.

That's not really an error, is saying it can't DELETE an old AFCAD for LSGG. It can't delete it, because you don't have it, apparently so, there's nothing to delete, it's just a cosmetic error, and I believe it should be fixed in the JFK v2.1 installer or the current Stand-Alone Addon Manager installer, that doesn't give that message if there's nothing to delete.

In any case, be sure you use the current JFK installer, which is 2.1

Why is it messing with Geneva's (LSGG) airport file(s)?.

It's not "messing", it was trying to *fix* a potential problem with AFCAD duplicates, and fact that all our installers update all our AFCADs is very well known and has been like this for more than 1 year, since GSX was released.

They obviously do a *backup* of your existing file, in case you modified it so no, nothing is really messing your files.รน

I have two VIRTUALI Addon Manager X in my (Install / Uninstall Programs) listing

That's not a problem. Either you have FSX and Prepar3D installer, or you removed something manually and reinstalled it. In any case, it's not an issue, and opposite of what most people believe, that doesn't always mean you have installed two copies of a program, it might just mean you have two Uninstallers, which happens if you removed something manually, or a too aggressive registry cleaner utility did that.

Even if you install anything from us multiple times, only one copy will ever run.


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Re: Unable to install KJFK V2, Keep getting the following error
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2013, 10:19:57 am »
I also am getting this error. While the program may have nothing to delete, doubt that waiting for an indeterminate length of time to rerun is perhaps going to fix the problem, let alone indicating what one's next actions should be? With this type of error, am at a loss as to what it takes to do a successful install. Is it ok that it failed?

It is noted that there is a version 2.1 now. Does that apply to this problem or complete/fix the install?

Thanks for any guidance. Kudos for these great airports!


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Re: Unable to install KJFK V2, Keep getting the following error
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2013, 11:22:08 am »
I also am getting this error

As I've said, it's not an error.

doubt that waiting for an indeterminate length of time to rerun is perhaps going to fix the problem, let alone indicating what one's next actions should be?

Nobody has said you have to wait an indeterminate length of time to rerun, you just press OK to go ahead.

With this type of error

It's not an error.

am at a loss as to what it takes to do a successful install.

Press OK and continue.

Is it ok that it failed?

It hasn't.


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Re: Unable to install KJFK V2, Keep getting the following error
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2013, 03:49:15 pm »
Appears that we have a different interpretation of the meanings of words in the English language. "There was a problem updating some sceneries, please try again later." The message certainly implies that there was something unseemly that happened during the update. An error in my book to be sure. That I should try again later. Why??? Will it get better. You certainly did not address that point. Hung up it appears because I mentioned that it might be an error.

A matter of perception.

With an error or informational message such as that message, one is drawn to the conclusion that something did in fact go wrong. You may choose to not call it an error. I do call it an error as the message implies that further action is needed. Am at a loss to understand that a message that tells me to try again later certainly implies that the process will be concluded at a later time. "PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER". What time? When what happens? What circumstance will make it so? I fully expect that your messages, whatever your intent should be informational and instructional. What AM I to do next? "please try again later"? Really? Where did that error message, that isn't an error message, say that I could just go on? That it wasn't important?

You really need to do better and by the way lose the attitude.


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Re: Unable to install KJFK V2, Keep getting the following error
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2013, 05:54:29 pm »
Appears that we have a different interpretation of the meanings of words in the English language. "There was a problem updating some sceneries, please try again later."

You asked for its meaning, I've replied to you so, regardless what the a previous interpretation without my explanation would have been, after you get what it really means in THIS specific case, just accept the explanation.

The message certainly implies that there was something unseemly that happened during the update. An error in my book to be sure. That I should try again later. Why??? Will it get better. You certainly did not address that point. Hung up it appears because I mentioned that it might be an error.

Because that message it's just the same, regardless if a file wasn't downloaded because there was really a problem in the connection OR because there was no need to download it in any way.

With an error or informational message such as that message, one is drawn to the conclusion that something did in fact go wrong

Again. You asked, I've replied.

You may choose to not call it an error. I do call it an error as the message implies that further action is needed.

Not after the explanation. You might say the message is not clear. But you can't keep calling it an error, after the explanation. Again, in THIS specific case.

Am at a loss to understand that a message that tells me to try again later certainly implies that the process will be concluded at a later time. "PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER". What time? When what happens? What circumstance will make it so? I fully expect that your messages, whatever your intent should be informational and instructional. What AM I to do next? "please try again later"? Really? Where did that error message, that isn't an error message, say that I could just go on? That it wasn't important?

Nobody will ever read a message so long that will answer to all the above questions.

But the real issue is, this message might be misleading, because most of the time IS correct saying there was a problem and the file didn't download, so it would be best to try again later, because there was a problem with the connection.

But in THIS case, when it's not trying to download anything, but was trying to DELETE a file that changed name between a release and the other, the issue was simply that the message shouldn't even appear in case there was nothing to delete because the scenery that asked for a delete wasn't  installed, so it simply got into the general "Catch all" error message that said there was a problem, which is almost always correct EXCEPT in this specific case.

That update routine wasn't initially supposed to remove files, just to update them, the ability to delete older files was added in a later version, but the message wasn't updated to make a difference between a problem downloading, and a problem removing, in any case there's a problem there, it will always give the same message.

That's why I've said in THIS specific case, which was the thread subject (the message related to the AP_LSGG.BGL file) is NOT an error. It IS, in all other cases, and the message would be correct saying there WAS a problem and you will have to try again later, but not in THIS specific case of the removal of the AP_LSGG.BGL file.

You really need to do better and by the way lose the attitude.

I don't understand what "attitude" you are referring to, unless you are confusing it with the clear and straight to the point illustration of facts.

In any case, if with "You really need to do better", thank you and of course the installer has ALREADY being fixed a while ago, and this message will not come anymore, in case the Geneva scenery is not installed and there's no need to remove its old AFCAD.

But even if the installer has been already updated to not display that message anymore in THAT case, it will take a while before all installer that contains the same routine will be reuploaded, and it will be silly to tell everyone to download EVERYTHING, with no benefits whatsoever in the actual scenery files, other than the installer not displaying that message anymore and it wouldn't make much sense to reupload them just because of that, since the fact that message appears doesn't really affect anything in the actual installation process.

So, at the end of all, facts are:

- This message, under THIS specific circumstances, doesn't indicate a problem with the installation

- It could be misleading ? Yes, that's why it has already been FIXED. The current version of the installer doesn't show it anymore, unless there was really a problem *downloading*

- Would it make some sense re-downloading all the installers just to not see that message anymore ? Obviously not, because nothing has changed in the installers except a potentially misleading message, but there was no "error" or problem in the installation of the scenery regardless if the message came or not.

- In any case, not all installers have been updated anyway, I guess the Stand-Alone Addon Manager, GSX and possibly JFK 2.1  (not 100% sure about it) are, but the other installers will be updated and uploaded again to not display the message anymore only when there's a better reason to reupload them.