Author Topic: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.  (Read 12898 times)


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Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« on: August 16, 2008, 04:03:53 am »
I have FS9 with a lot of sceneries. Aerosoft Heathrow, UK2000, Flytampa, Imaginesim and so on.

I was interested in the KORD offering from FSdreamteam but every time I install it, FS9 boots up to the splash screen, waits about a minute or so, then disappears and fails to boot.

As soon as I uninstalled the KORD scenery FS9 ran fine again.

Any ideas?

Running on a Fujitsu laptop with plenty of firepower.


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Re: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2008, 03:29:28 pm »
First, do you have any other scenery made by FsDreamTeam or Cloud9 or Skymakers installed ? If yes, this might be an install problem with one of the others, that can usually be fixed by installing the Stand-alone Addon Manager, found on the O'Hare product page, after installing O'Hare.

Also, a reason for a QUIT (not "crash") to desktop, might be a old version of the Esellerate library in your Windows folder (BTW, you should tell us more about your system, it's not possible to help you without knowing *anything* about your machine, and OS)

If not, check the installer is successfully downloading some files as soon as it runs. If you have a firewall, you need to grant online access to the setup program, otherwise it might not be able to complete its installation.

If even this doesn't help, check your antivirus, and try disabling the fs9\modules folder from scanning.

If still doens't work, then it must be a conflict with another module you installed that we don't know of, so it might be useful to know what's inside your modules folder.


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Re: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2008, 06:44:15 pm »
First, do you have any other scenery made by FsDreamTeam or Cloud9 or Skymakers installed ? If yes, this might be an install problem with one of the others, that can usually be fixed by installing the Stand-alone Addon Manager, found on the O'Hare product page, after installing O'Hare.

Also, a reason for a QUIT (not "crash") to desktop, might be a old version of the Esellerate library in your Windows folder (BTW, you should tell us more about your system, it's not possible to help you without knowing *anything* about your machine, and OS)

If not, check the installer is successfully downloading some files as soon as it runs. If you have a firewall, you need to grant online access to the setup program, otherwise it might not be able to complete its installation.

If even this doesn't help, check your antivirus, and try disabling the fs9\modules folder from scanning.

If still doens't work, then it must be a conflict with another module you installed that we don't know of, so it might be useful to know what's inside your modules folder.

I'm running on a Fujitsu N6460 Notebook with Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHZ, 512MB Ram, 500GB dual partition HDD, and Windows Vista.


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Re: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2008, 07:02:52 pm »
Have you followed all the suggestions ?

Under Vista, a reason why the program would quit, might be an older or corrupted version of the Esellerateengine.dll in the C:\windows folder, which is the wrong location in Vista, but some other software using it might have incorrectly put it there and our installer can't fix it automatically, because that folder is not accessible without explicit user permission. If you have an esellerateengine.dll file in the C:\windows folder, manually delete it and run the installer again.

If this is not the case, then try to follow the other suggestions I've wrote before.


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Re: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2008, 07:47:40 am »
I wanted to let you know that I'm having the same problem.  My system is on an AMD Dual core 2GM RAM 250GB HD PC with a ATi 3870 graphics card.  I'm running Windows XP Home.  I purchased the ORD/JFK/Zurich promo.  Zurich didn't show, and neither did ORD in the scenery.cfg so I installed both.  Then tried to start FS9... nope, the initial splash screen would hang a bit longer, flicker real quick and then the program would suddenly quit.  No explanation or error would pop up.  I uninstalled all three, error went away.  I install just one, the problem comes back though this time as the splash screen "Scenery" barber pool loads to 100% it then does the same unexplained quit of FS9.  I also have the No CD FS9.1.  I thought it might be attributed to too many scenery's (I have about 25 active).  Deactivated and deleted a few that I don't go to and that still didn't solve the problem.  I tried redownloading the software installers with the firewall turned off and using the default download manager in FireFox.  Still the same issue.  JFK seems to load to 100% then suddenly quit, but ORD quits without the scenery loading in the splash screen.  I've seen that you're active with your customer service and I hope you can help.

Thank you,



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Re: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 09:25:33 am »
Then tried to start FS9... nope, the initial splash screen would hang a bit longer, flicker real quick and then the program would suddenly quit.

This might happen (well, normally it shouldn't) if your Addon Manager files are not updated. Which shouldn't happen, because the installer automatically gets them online so, they are guaranteed to be the last version. However, if something blockd their install, like an antivirus for example, you might end up with a mix-match of versions.

Try this:

- boot in Windows. Don't launch FS9

- manually delete the following files in the FS9\MODULES folder : bglman.dll bglman.dat bglman.dat bglman_fsdt.dat bglman_skymakers.dat. Be sure you delete all of them

- reboot

- relaunch JFK installer. Verify is downloading these files again. Don't launch FS9 yet when it's done.

- verify the files you just deleted were installer in the FS9\MODULES folder. If not, it's surely the antivirus. If yes, running FS9 now should work.


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Re: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2008, 04:32:38 pm »

Those aren't in my Modules folder.  I uninstalled all 3 scenery's so maybe that's why.  I'll do the download of fresh, new installers then let you know how it goes. (of course with ZoneAlarm Suite off)



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Re: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2008, 05:40:00 pm »

I did what you asked.  Still an issue.  When I installed JFK, I looked at the Add-on Manager after starting a flight, in order to put in the purchase code.  It looked like I didn't need to, it was already in there.  Also, ORD and Zurich showed purchased as well.  This is odd because I uninstalled all the scenery's before I started down this road.  Regardless, I thought, well if JFK works, I'll try ORD.  I did NOT delete these files that JFK had just put in (bglman.dll bglman.dat bglman.dat bglman_fsdt.dat bglman_skymakers.dat) because they were new from JFK.  ORD installed.  FS9 loaded up, a little slower, but normal for a new scenery.  I looked at the Scenery list, no ORD.  I went to ORD in FS9, default for the most part.  Some ground cars and trucks and buses were there but the ground texture was default.  I thought, well maybe I have to restart FS9 for it to take effect.  Did that and the same result.  By the way, the firewall/antivirus has been down the entire time.  So are the issues the dll files?



That's it!  The .dat and .dll files are the problem!  I tried deleting them then reinstalling ORD.  ORD shows up just fine, as does JFK!  So... how is this happening?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 05:50:30 pm by SDFlyer »


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Re: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2008, 06:42:12 pm »
It looked like I didn't need to, it was already in there.  Also, ORD and Zurich showed purchased as well.  This is odd because I uninstalled all the scenery's before I started down this road.

No, this is absolutely normal, and it how the program is designed to work. You will NOT lose your registration by simply uninstalling the scenery!!! That would be madness. Also, you will not lose your registration even when uninstalling the whole FS9. The only way were you would need to use one of the 3 different Reinstallation helpers ("Register Serial", backup of the .REG file or "Reinstall" ), is when you reinstall Windows.

I looked at the Scenery list, no ORD. 

This shouldn't happen. You can of course add it manually, browsing to FS9\Fsdreamteam\Ohare in the Scenery Library menu, but the installer is supposed to add it automatically. Are you sure you are using the current version of the installer ? If not, try downloading it again.


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Re: Tried to install KORD, shuts down FS9.
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2008, 11:48:20 pm »
No, this is absolutely normal, and it how the program is designed to work. You will NOT lose your registration by simply uninstalling the scenery!!! That would be madness. Also, you will not lose your registration even when uninstalling the whole FS9. The only way were you would need to use one of the 3 different Reinstallation helpers ("Register Serial", backup of the .REG file or "Reinstall" ), is when you reinstall Windows.

Glad to hear it.  With other scenery developers and other add-ons for that matter, this isn't the case.  Glad to see your software makes sense!

I looked at the Scenery list, no ORD. 

This shouldn't happen. You can of course add it manually, browsing to FS9\Fsdreamteam\Ohare in the Scenery Library menu, but the installer is supposed to add it automatically. Are you sure you are using the current version of the installer ? If not, try downloading it again.

Well, it did happen.  Regardless I was able to fix it by deleting the .dat and .dll files from the FS9\Modules folder and then reinstalling.

Again, thank you for your help.  I hope the information I gave helped to figure out why this happened or just helped those with the same problem.  I'm not off to install JFK, ORD and Zurich to FSX... wish me luck!
