Author Topic: GSX staff need your help  (Read 9257 times)


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GSX staff need your help
« on: March 04, 2013, 08:42:52 am »
Good Day to you

I have Bought GSX a while back without trying it out , Because your Product was exactly what i was looking for ,
Bringing FSX to a whole new Level ..

So i immediately Bought your Product and tried to install it , did every thing i can to FIX the     
Couatl Script Engine error , and some how i was unable to fix the problem even though i have uninstalled FSX and reinstalled several time ,

I even uninstalled Norton , I tried to install GSX on an other PC that has only FSX on it and still no Progress.

I emailed Customer service to refund me Because the product is not working and the answer was we cant refund you because it is a try before you Buy ( But not in my case :) ) ,, so i took my Loses and ended up buying AES  and it is working fine .

But i come here again to give GSX one more shot with your help ,  so i can enjoy your Product  , is there a Plain and simple tutorial on how to install ?? without having to go through this      Couatl Script Engine problem ? and without Messing up my FSX?

I dont have much Knowledge in computers , just a simple person like to enjoy the game  , i have managed to install every thing else and it looks to me i can fallow read me files and instructions ,, But i dont have any Luck with GSX :(

will be waiting thank you

windows 7 64


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 12:38:10 pm »
So i immediately Bought your Product and tried to install it , did every thing i can to FIX the     Couatl Script Engine error , and some how i was unable to fix the problem even though i have uninstalled FSX and reinstalled several time

The message doesn't say "just" that. It says what is the most important information to understand what the problem is, which is to check your Couatl.err log for knowing EXACTLY what CAUSED the error. The cause is NEVER GSX, but something else with your configuration.

In fact, checking previous emails, I've found what your problem was, and you shouldn't describe your support experience the way you did, as if we "just" told you there are no refunds because of the product has a Trial version!  You make it sound it like that, but that's not the case.

You have been replied with 5 different emails, describing what caused it, and what you had to check to fix this problem.

The problem, of course, is caused by another product, and it's the "Executable Integrity compromised" message, which has been discussed several times on the forum, it's a problem caused by another product which is attaching to all running executables. As of today, we know about these two:

- The free ATI Tray Tools tweaker, if the "automatic over clock" option is turned on.

- The Lenovo Power management program.

These are just two examples we know of, there might be other similar products out there we don't know yet. Other than that, it could be a real virus.

And, in the last email, where it was explained we don't have a refund policy for such reasons, since compatibility problems with other products could be verified before purchasing (thanks to the Trial), it was ALSO stated:

But this doesn't mean we won't keep helping you fixing this problem.

Not having a refund policy, doesn't have anything to do with the fact we WILL help you in any conceivable way to help running our products, even if you failed to check compatibility with your installation, which is something you can do because of the Trial.

Then, after that statement, followed a proposed course of action:

Since your problem is caused by ANOTHER program, it would be enough to find what it is. It's likely a system utility. You can use the MSCONFIG program, a tool included with Windows (launch it by simply typing MSCONFIG then Enter on the Windows Start button), that will allow you to selectively turn on and off any program that launches at the Windows startup.

Try turning off all programs that starts with Windows, then reinstall GSX and see if Couatl now runs without that error. Then, turn back on all programs, one at the time, until you find the offending one.

But you NEVER replied to this last email.

s there a Plain and simple tutorial on how to install ?? without having to go through this      Couatl Script Engine problem ? and without Messing up my FSX?

There's no need for a "tutorial" to install GSX, because it can't be simpler, just run the installer, there are no other ways to install it.

Your problem is caused by ANOTHER product, and there's nothing in the GSX installation that you can do to overcome this. You have to act on the OTHER product which is the cause of this.

And, as I've said, in all previous emails, we know of TWO products that could cause this, which are:

- The free ATI Tray Tools tweaker, if the "automatic over clock" option is turned on.

- The Lenovo Power management program.

This means: if you have the  free ATI Tray Tools tweaker, you must turn the "automatic over clock" feature OFF. If you have the "Lenovo Power management program", you must turn if OFF.

The OTHER explanation which was added to the email and here too, which is using the MSCONFIG tool to selectively disable potentially offending products at startup, and this is what you can do to find the culprit, IF IT'S NOT the ATI tray tool or the Lenovo power management program.


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2013, 03:39:56 pm »
Ok so First of all

just the way you have answered me   ( the customer )  it doesn't show any way of support !

2 and it looks Like you got offended ,,,   98% of your post is on the defensive side

3 i did call ( your  customer support ) and i was on the phone with him 3 times and all he told me it was my ATI video card , witch in the next day i went a Got a new video card just to fix the problem ( so there is no more ATI card  )   I THINK HE FORGOT TO TELL YOU THIS  or you choose not to mention it

4 I still think you are not fixing a problem But Pushing it away  , if you have some Quiet time to your self Please sit down and carefully examine my Post and yours ,,, and you will find that you are acting very defensively for no reason ( i truly believe that ) the other part is what i mentioned is what really happened maybe it is not what you would like to hear ( but this is what happened )

I only see 2 options here

You can reply to me  Defensively  again witch will not solve the problem and it will lead of me going away

Or you can try to help me out so we can all be  happy and learn from the problem

the chose is yours My Friend

thank you


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2013, 08:17:08 pm »
just the way you have answered me   ( the customer )  it doesn't show any way of support !

The way you have been answered show exactly the opposite, that you were supported at lot. In one of your emails, you wrote this:

Not to mention i am here in germany and the time here is 1:27am

To that, I've obviously replied:

Not to mention it's 1:27am in Italy too, and I am replying to you…

How you could even *think* commenting on the "level of support", what other company replies at 1:27 AM in the morning to your support request ?

2 and it looks Like you got offended ,,,   98% of your post is on the defensive side

I was offended, and rightly so, by your partial description of the facts, and when you reply to a customer late in the night, and he doesn't even CARE or notice it, yes, it IS frustratingly offending.

I was offended by your partial description of the support you received, it was made to look like as if we only discussed about the "no refund policy", while you conveniently omitted the part that you were supported A LOT, and you NEVER replied to my last email, which clearly indicated a course of action.

So yes, I AM offended.

3 i did call ( your  customer support ) and i was on the phone with him 3 times and all he told me it was my ATI video card , witch in the next day i went a Got a new video card just to fix the problem ( so there is no more ATI card  )   I THINK HE FORGOT TO TELL YOU THIS  or you choose not to mention it

That's false.

Apart from the fact that, from anyone that tries to phone, the reply is always that EMAIL must be used, because we don't offer ANY telephone support, nobody ever called about this issue, not once, and surely not "3 times".

I've told you the problem was caused by the ATI Tray tool BY EMAIL, you misunderstood the explanation, and thought it was the "ATI CARD", so in the next EMAIL you said you changed video card "because I've told you so", when I haven't and even to this, I've replied to BY EMAIL, stating that I never told you to change your video card, JUST stop using the ATI Tray Tool program!

You can reply to me  Defensively  again witch will not solve the problem and it will lead of me going away

I replied in the most correct way according to the facts, which you haven't described accurately.

Or you can try to help me out so we can all be  happy and learn from the problem

I've already helped you many times, yet you don't see to understand it, it's NOT something we can "fix", you must act yourself on YOUR software which is CAUSING it. So, for the last time:

If you have the  free ATI Tray Tools tweaker, you must turn the "automatic over clock" feature OFF. If you have the "Lenovo Power management program", you must turn if OFF.

If there's a new unknown program causing this, using the MSCONFIG tool to selectively disable potentially offending products at startup, you can find which one it is.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 08:28:26 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2013, 10:22:59 pm »
Ok thank you For your Reply

I will try to install again  i know for sure there is no ATI video card or any ATI tweak ,, I am also 98% i dont have any Lenovo Power management  i dont know what it is ,   Is there a way you Can tell me how do i find out if i have this Power management thing installed on my PC ??  Please

I would also Like to say that Life is to short dont let a simple little Person  like me ruin your day

Thank you


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2013, 12:01:24 am »
I will try to install again  i know for sure there is no ATI video card or any ATI tweak

You said you used to have an ATI card, could be you still have that tool installed ? Is there an uninstaller for it in the Add/Remove Programs section of the Windows Control Panel ?

I am also 98% i dont have any Lenovo Power management  i dont know what it is ,   Is there a way you Can tell me how do i find out if i have this Power management thing installed on my PC ?? 

I guess if you have a Lenovo PC, it's very likely you have that software installed. If you haven't one, it's also very un-likely you have the Lenovo Power management program installed.

It's possible you have found a new product causing this problem. This requires my 3rd solution: using the MSCONFIG utility that ships with Windows (just type MSCONFIG and then Enter on the Start button blank area) you can see a list of all your installed software that are configured to run at startup, that are listed in the "Startup" tab of the MSCONFIG program.

You can start unchecking everything and then, after having verified you no longer get the "Executable compromised" message from GSX, you can re-enable them, one by one, until you find the offending one.

It might be a boring process if you have many startup items, also because you might have to restart Windows after every change. But you might also discover programs you don't need anymore, which are cluttering your system startup and slowing down your system.


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2013, 07:41:40 am »
I will try to do it

Will update you when i get some results

Thank you


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2013, 01:23:26 pm »
Ok i reinstalled GSX with no Norton and it looks like every thing so far went well

But as i read in the Documentation i did NOT get the Little Box that say

VIRTUALI s.a.s., where i must click yes or No

so i am stuck here so far

will be waiting


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2013, 03:36:40 pm »
Ok it Looks like it is working Now

I am stile under the trail version

But i have 2 Questions

1- I have disabled Norton Completely Do i need to do any thing before i enable Norton again ??

2- every time i shut down my Engine AES Kicks in is there  a way for me to disable AES ?? so that it does not intefers with GSX??

Do i just Uncheck  AES from the addon manager in FSX ??

thank you

Will be waiting


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2013, 04:27:46 pm »
Ok it Looks like it is working Now

Of course it does. Turned out to be Norton was the culprit.

1- I have disabled Norton Completely Do i need to do any thing before i enable Norton again ??

Exclude the following files from scanning:


Even better, exclude the whole FSX folder from scanning, your FSX loading time will surely improve.

Do i just Uncheck  AES from the addon manager in FSX ??

I guess so, but it's not in the Addon Manager (AES doesn't have anything to do with our software), it's more likely in its own menu.


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2013, 11:23:35 pm »
OK thank you for the Reply

I did what you told me to do about Norton , and yes it is Norton 100%

so i will restart with Norton and hop every thing is ok

Although i am a little Scared this Norton will do it again and corrupt FSX

we will see  wish me Luck


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2013, 12:29:25 am »
Ok now i am getting a Error Message about

BGLMANX.DLL  and asking me to run it or not

when i say yes FSX crashes to desktop

when i say No FSX runs but with out coult addon manager

How can you help ??

thank you


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2013, 01:43:19 am »
Just a fast update

So i think it is Norton because as soon as i enabled Norton

this bglmanx.dll error came up

now norton is back completely disabled but i am stuck on this error

will be waiting for your help

thank you


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2013, 02:07:10 am »
As explained, many times already about that error, you simply have to ALLOW the module to run, even if FSX crashes. Try again, and again a couple of times.

If still doesn't work, try to restart Windows and try again.

If still doesn't work, perhaps the antivirus has really corrupted the file so, you must reinstall GSX with the antivirus disabled.


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Re: GSX staff need your help
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2013, 01:12:26 pm »
It is 100% Norton

Last Night until 2:30 am  so i disabled Norton completely
reinstalled GSX  went throught the same massages for the error

kept on rebooting ,, and now it works but i know 100% as soon as i start
Norton it will do the same problem

so i dont know   i dont think this is  a Solution  to keep Norton off for ever

Just wondering why is This Product Like this  why is it the only FSX addon
that is so Trouble   ?

But i did find the cause may be in the next 6 months i will also figure how to run both of them GSX and Norton

Thank you for your help