First thanks to Juergen for his information. Unfortunately I have still problems with Lihue, so yesterday Sunday I collected more circumstantial evidences in detail that may help Umberto to investigate my problem - see also the following screenshot-story attached!
First I deinstalled HAW1, resetted my PC, installed and registrated again HAW1 and went to Hilo (PHTO) first. As you can see on the first picture, the couatl-menu was shown, I upgraded it and all the buildings in Hilo were available more than 10 sec - no problem. Also GSX is working, even the pushback-car has some problems with the pushback-procedure ( see picture ;-). I was glad to realise that Hilo was working well.
Now I started a flight to Lihue (PHLI), where I had been in reality some years ago. The departure from Hilo was very nice, everything looked good also overflying Honolulu showed no problems. I continued to Lihue and checked the couatl menu about 20 miles inbound, everything o.k. and also about 10 miles inbound I checked it and as you can see on the screenshot the couatl menue was still available. But comming to the final approach the couatl menue disappeared and also the buildings of Lihue airport of course. So the problem seems to be in the area of Lihue or Kauai.
After the flight I checked the entries for FSDT in the FSX and realised that under the folder Hawaii1 no data for PHLI exist even there is an entry for PHTO. May be that this is a cause for my problem in Lihue. I want to ask Umberto to check this item in this particular case.
Best regards