I know someone pointed out the afterburners being up and to the right. I have fixed this in the aircraft config file and have the correct coordinates in place. I hope you don't mind me posting this here. Hope this helps. One less thing to worry about.
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=logo, 10=cabin
light.0 = 3, -27.90, -4.00, 0.80, fx_navredm,
light.1 = 3, -27.90, 4.00, 0.80, fx_navgrem,
light.2 = 3, -50.90, 5.80, 8.10, fx_navwhi,
light.3 = 1, -47.00, 5.51, 7.00, fx_beacon_sml,
light.4 = 1, -47.00, -5.51, 7.00, fx_beacon_sml,
light.5 = 10, -15.00, 0.00, 2.00, fx_vclight,
light.6 = 6, -18.40, 0.00, -2.35, fx_VRS_swave_xenon,
light.7 = 6, -18.40, 0.00, -2.35, fx_navwhi,
light.8 = 6, -11.00, 0.00, -3.50, fx_fuselage_light_Dante,
light.9 = 9, -50.44, 1.6, -0.20, fx_FSXBA_AB,
light.10 = 9, -50.44,-1.6, -0.20, fx_FSXBA_AB,