Ouch! My computer just experienced a BSOD as I was exiting FSX!
This was surely caused by a faulty driver (video, hard disk, power setting, etc) no FSX program can cause a blue screen on its own
Upon reboot I launched FSX only to be confronted with an array of errors from AivlaSoft EFB and SuperTrafficBoard. Once I dismissed these I found I also had no COUATL menu, no GSX functionality and no FSDT scenery buildings!
This can happen after a blue screen, if files were open when the crash happened, it's very likely they would end up corrupted.
Exiting FSX resulted in orphaned COUATL.exe processes running in memory which consumed CPU cycles, could not be killed by taskmanager and that kept writing to the COUATL.log file which was hundreds of megabytes in size!
This is also normal, after a crash. However, keep in mind that Couatl logging should be enabled ONLY for troubleshooting. It's NOT supposed to always run with logging on, our installer never turn it on by default, it can only be turned on manually so, after you don't need it anymore, it's best turning it off.
But I note the only content in my regenerated CouatlAddons.ini is a "liveupdate" section and an empty "common" section. Is this right? Are there likely to be other impacts for my FSDT products? Should I reinstall them?
That's normal, the live update section is created only AFTER a Live update, and the common section is created only if you change a setting in GSX, like which audio card to use.