OK, I understand that it has something to do with the default AI, but I just installed FSX on another computer (just to get the Airplanes folder) and replaced all my Airplanes in the Airplanes folder and still have the same Fatal Error
What do you mean with "replaced all my Airplanes in the Airplanes folder" ? Why you need to do that ? Can't you simply test on a FRESH, unmodified installation, without meddling manually with files ?
.I then unchecked Hawaiian Airports Volume 2 in the Scenery Library and went to PHOG with no errors
As I've explained you already by email, before you posted here, this doesn't mean anything: if you disable FSDT PHOG, the default AFCAD for PHOG will take over, and since it has different parking assignments, sizes and codes, it will call for different AI so, you will be mislead into thinking the problem was the scenery, because it went away by disabling it, but it wasn't, the problem WAS the AI, but an AI model that only appears when using our AFCAD.
However, I only posted on the Forum because you never replyed to my email asking which traffic tool I can use to remove scheduled flights from PHOG and PHKO
I haven't replied YET on your last email, but that doesn't mean it would *never* replied to you. If you started a topic by email, stick to email, if you were impatient getting an email answer, the correct way of doing this is to send another email, not posting the same question on the forum, because it simply double our support effort, because we now have to keep track two identical topics by the same person at the same time. So, next time, if you start by email, continue by email, if you want to use the forum, start the thread on the forum but NOT create two identical threads, one by email and one by forum.
In any case, without a traffic package, it might be difficult to remove traffic from a single airport, you'll probably have to use the FSX SDK and learn the default traffic compilers. Traffic tools, like UT2 for example, usually allows to do this quite easily with their own management tools.
However, removing traffic from those airports would be the wrong solution to the problem in any case, because you simply side-stepped the issue without solving it. The correct solution is finding why your AI are creating a problem, which specific model is, and why. As I've said, nobody has this specific problem, let alone with default AI (the addon AI are usually more likely to have issues)