Lot of issue you mentioned are there for a reason: cross-compatibility with FSX. For example, the ramp/gate assignment has been made like that, because otherwise FSX would place its own fps-killing ground vehicles at all gates flagged as "gates". By flagging as "ramp", we can place our more fps-friendly vehicles instead.
The 0 width is also done because of a FSX requirement: the way we did the terrain textures in FSX (quite an unorthodox one...), the width 0 is there to not have ground artifacts. We are looking to fix this in some other way.
That's for a first release, because we wanted to offer the FS9 version on release date, so we simply derived the supplied AFCAD from the FSX base version. We understand it make little sense to limit the FS9 AFCAD with requirements relevant to FSX only so, in the next days/weeks, we'll have the FS9 version of the AFCAD to progressively diverge more and more from the FSX one, and fixing what can be fixed, considering KORD is a very tricky airport to handle, with the current AI engine.
Also, another thing we are planning to improve for the AFCAD, it's the addition of instrumental procedures for the two renamed runways (9L/27R has become 9R/27L and 9R/27L has become 10/28), that are currently missing. We are working on it.
The AFCAD for this particular airport will always be a constant work in progress: both because is very big, complex and full of stand/places to test, and because the real-world airport is undergoing a massive rebuild, so we are already planning for improvements to the *scenery* itself, when the new runways will eventually open, and that of course will impact AFCAD as well in a big way.