Greetings fellow KJFK fanatics. I had previously uploaded my own crosswind FSX AFCAD for the FSDT KJFK to allow multiple "crosswind" runway usage, as well as improved accuracy of parking codes, to this forum. had noticed that with these multiple runways in use, the AI behavior was not quite right. For instance, in real life most often with westerly winds (or normal usage), the 31 runways are paired with the 22's, which results in the following scenario:
Departures: 31L and 22R
Arrivals: 22L and 31L or 31R
However, with my previous afcad some AI would depart correctly from 31l, but when AI was instructed to depart using a crosswind runway to ease traffic, instead of departing 22R they would use 4L instead. With this in mind, I have edited the afcad to create two separate files which correctly pair the runways to simulate real life ops as much as possible given the limitations of the FSX weather engine. When using either of the two supplied files in conjunction with the prevailing winds, you should notice more accurate AI behavior when using multiple runways.
There is a caveat: You must decide BEFORE you load FSX which file is best to use, and only load one afcad at a time. I.E., with westerly winds use ap_KFJK 31-22.bgl. When easterly winds are in force, use ap_KJFK 13-4.bgl. If you do not want to keep track of multiple afcads and keep things simple, ap_KFJK 31-22.bgl would best represent "normal" runway usage.
In addition to this tweak to the runway pairing, I have made some other adjustments to the gate parking assignments for more accurate depiction of real life gate assignments, based on my research from the web including very recent Google Earth, and comments gleaned from various forums.
Among these changes:
- Air France A380 parking at Gate A5, I increased gate radius to 40m to fit the AI A380.
- Delta heavy parking at the D gates next to their own older terminal at gates D22-26, which is needed because of the heavy density of their international traffic which they have had trouble finding parking for at their older, more cramped terminals. I also added DAL to the overflow remote stands south of the D Gates, which they often populate in real life.
- Other airlines parking codes adjusted at the D gates to mimic real life parking as seen in photos from and other recent sources. These include Virgin America, Air India, Virgin Atlantic.
- North American Airlines (code NAO) parking in the Northeast area near runway 22R, as evidenced in recent Google Earth imagery.
- Closed Terminal 6 to Jetblue traffic, as this terminal is being demolished to allow a newer terminal to be replace it.
I noticed AI departing from 31L at the turn off next to the Delta Terminals, and this didn't seem right. I have removed taxiway M from that runway entry to force traffic to use the runway entry farther out and closer to the landing threshold of 31L.
One more thing, in my previous afcad, I had accidentally "shut off" the runway 13l/r lead in lights seen at night. I apologize for that, and have fixed it here.
I do not claim to be an expert on KJFK, but I do feel this is a plausible representation of real life ops at the airport, and after spending countless hours researching and editing, I want to share those efforts with others. I recommend keeping a backup copy of the KJFK afcad you currently use, just in case. Then remove that file and replace with one of the two I provide.
As always, if you have any comments or suggestions to improve upon this file, please don't hesitate to comment here. When I'm not flying, I enjoy tweaking my afcads and addon AI traffic to better represent the real world, and I'm always hoping to improve the excellent FSDT rendition of this gateway to the world.
Happy landings!