Author Topic: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released  (Read 268532 times)


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #135 on: April 22, 2011, 08:59:35 pm »
Thanks Sludge, I'll send pics when I get back from visiting the family for Easter.

Regarding the video and the roll back action after trapping, not sure this was used, but the COP 3 gauge will create this effect if installed (can be installed on any aircraft). It causes a roll back after trapping when engaged and also auto raises the hook, it also comes with other features like sonic boom effect and updated cat shot and trapping noises. Check out the guage here

"You've got to land here, son. This is where the food is."


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #136 on: April 23, 2011, 12:27:40 am »
Thanks Sludge, I'll send pics when I get back from visiting the family for Easter.

Regarding the video and the roll back action after trapping, not sure this was used, but the COP 3 gauge will create this effect if installed (can be installed on any aircraft). It causes a roll back after trapping when engaged and also auto raises the hook, it also comes with other features like sonic boom effect and updated cat shot and trapping noises. Check out the guage here



I remember trying to install the "sonic boom" effect from COP 3 on the Sludge, and it didn't work very well, there were some interferences with the lights...I had followed Voodoo's procedure for the default F-A/18. Maybe it was just my novice status. I would be interested if you have done it yourself, together with the roll back effect.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #137 on: April 23, 2011, 01:13:20 am »
Hi Johan,

It does work with the latest Sludge/combat release but when you Hit the "I" key the sonic boom effect appear once even if you are not flying mach I. I dont have much flying time on the last release so i dont know if there is another problem. It was working fine with v1.1 and early v1.2

Sludge i really like the new visual effect they look Great even at 5760x1200 compare to early v1.2.

I also find a way to have the 2D gauges appear at that resolution. still working to find the right numbers but at least i can see them now.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #138 on: April 23, 2011, 03:12:00 am »
Hi Johan,

It does work with the latest Sludge/combat release but when you Hit the "I" key the sonic boom effect appear once even if you are not flying mach I. I dont have much flying time on the last release so i dont know if there is another problem. It was working fine with v1.1 and early v1.2

Sludge i really like the new visual effect they look Great even at 5760x1200 compare to early v1.2.

I also find a way to have the 2D gauges appear at that resolution. still working to find the right numbers but at least i can see them now.


Thanks Let, I will try it over the weekend.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #139 on: April 24, 2011, 11:26:36 pm »

Just talked to JR about a few things and he brought up a good issue.  That moving the Carrier Trap Gauge as a permanent part of the 2D HUD, some people dont land in 2D HUD, and think the gauge wont work.  Well, it does.  The only caveat being, to "activate" the Trap gauge you have to open the 2D HUD view just once during your flight.  Meaning, on your ground wipeout/runup, just click on the 2D HUD, then go back to flying the rest of your flight in the VC.  When you trap, go snap back to the 2D HUD, and you'll see it worked as advertised.

Hope this helps, 'til I can find something else for everyone.


Yeah, I've looked at that, but it requires the use of FSUIPC, and I'd have to get permissions to mod and include it in the Sludge, so I'm just gonna do my own or let you install it onto your version.  Another major problem would be, is it's coded to use the CABIN_LIGHTS, and that can be problematic, as the Sludge effects used to be done.


Thanks.  Hey, I got in one good day of golfing.  Now, we are getting rained on like there's no tomorrow, but I'm not complaining ONE BIT.  We need every drop of it here in dusty, drought-ridden Oklahoma.  Thank God for this rain.

Also, keep in mind that the COP3 gauges require FSUIPC as they do somethings with their carrier trap gauge that set your final speed at trap time.  Plus, their effects are based in the lights, and the Sludge Hornets' are now based in the [smoke] section.  So thats why you get the conflict.


Did you move the effects to the [smoke] section?  Unless the COP3 codes an "I" to start the effect, it shouldn't work.  Just looked at v3.0, and it seems to be coded for the LIGHTS section, but who knows?

Thanks for the inputs fellas...  not doing a whole lot, just trying to re-learn how to kinda-"write" .XML gauges.  Trying to get a Fuel-ONLY readout by the Carrier Trap Gauge that activates when the gear is down. And trying to figure out how to make the Trap Gauge be "not visible" but active when the hook is down. Those are my current pet projects.  Working on putting out the newest Sludge on the server, so that others can enjoy what you guys already have.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #140 on: April 25, 2011, 04:52:45 am »


Thanks.  Hey, I got in one good day of golfing.  Now, we are getting rained on like there's no tomorrow, but I'm not complaining ONE BIT.  We need every drop of it here in dusty, drought-ridden Oklahoma.  Thank God for this rain.

Also, keep in mind that the COP3 gauges require FSUIPC as they do somethings with their carrier trap gauge that set your final speed at trap time.  Plus, their effects are based in the lights, and the Sludge Hornets' are now based in the [smoke] section.  So thats why you get the conflict.


Hi Sludge,

As you probably already know, the COP3 gauge works great on the Tomcat F-14 from Dino Cattaneo with panel modified by Steve Hinson. I have that version. It works with the partial free version of FSUIPC. The Sludge is already well equipped with a great IFLOLS gauge and trying to install the COP3 on your plane creates interferences. One would have to disconnect either the Sludge or the COP3 IFLOLS in the panel. I managed this weekend to have the sonic boom work on the Sludge through the COP3 gauge, but then my FSX doesn't close correctly, and I don't like I give up for the moment  and will give some more thoughts later.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #141 on: April 25, 2011, 08:56:08 am »
OK Fellas...

As I'm waiting for an answer on a question before pushing everything to the server, here's a little taste of the mods I did over the weekend.  When I wasnt playing golf.

There are TWO sets of mods... one for the Sludge/Combat Alpha Hornets... one for the CS Delta Hornets.  However, this first post will ONLY be for the Sludge/Combat Alphas AIRCRAFT.CFG file and included FA-18.AIR .ZIP file.  The CS Delta Hornets will have their OWN post and FA-18.air .ZIP file.
Changes in BOLD, so you can copy/paste the entire selection, or just manually edit "by hand" each of the values.
NOTES are denoted by //, please read, but DO NOT include in the data.

For the Sludge/Combat Alphas, in the AIRCRAFT.CFG, edit these lines:

max_gross_weight = 56000.0                  // (pounds), default fsx = 56000.0
empty_weight = 23832.0                      // (pounds), default fsx = 24500.0
//NOTE:  Just the empty weight needs to be changed.  The other entries in WEIGHTS and BALANCE should be left alone.

station_load.0  = 300, -16.0, 0, 0.0        // Weight(lbs), longitudinal, lateral, vertical positions from datum (feet)
station_name.0  = "Pilot"       
station_load.1=190.0, -34.0, -19.0,  3.0, AIM9X
station_load.2=250.0, -33.0,  -4.0, -1.0, AIM120B
station_load.3=250.0, -33.0,   4.0, -1.0, AIM120B
station_load.4=190.0, -34.0,  19.0,  3.0, AIM9X

cruise_lift_scalar     =    1.0
parasite_drag_scalar   =    1.0           
induced_drag_scalar    =    1.2            // higher AoA drag, more realistic for CVN Ops
elevator_effectiveness =    1.0
aileron_effectiveness  =    1.1
rudder_effectiveness   =    1.0
pitch_stability        =    2.2
roll_stability         =    1.5
yaw_stability          =    1.5
elevator_trim_effectiveness =    4.5
aileron_trim_effectiveness  =    1.1
rudder_trim_effectiveness   =    1.0
//NOTE:  This fix is now dealt with in the FA-18.AIR file.  The prior entry of 1.05 no longer needed.

point.0=1, -18.00,  0.00, -6.475, 3600, 0, 1.0349, 75.0, 0.2200, 2.50, 0.8900, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0
point.1=1, -35.80, -8.00, -7.075, 3600, 1, 1.2349,  0.0, 1.1000, 1.15, 0.8856, 3.9, 3.9, 2, 0.0, 0.0
point.2=1, -35.80,  8.00, -7.075, 3600, 2, 1.2349,  0.0, 1.1000, 1.15, 0.8856, 3.7, 3.7, 3, 0.0, 0.0
//point.0=1, -18.00,  0.00, -6.475, 3600, 0, 1.0349, 75.0, 0.2300, 2.6, 0.9900, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0
//point.1=1, -35.80, -8.00, -7.175, 3600, 1, 1.2349,  0.0, 1.1500, 1.2, 0.9856, 3.9, 3.9, 2, 0.0, 0.0
//point.2=1, -35.80,  8.00, -7.175, 3600, 2, 1.2349,  0.0, 1.1500, 1.2, 0.9856, 3.7, 3.7, 3, 0.0, 0.0

// NOTE:  the "REM'd out (//) contact points are included for prior data comparison. They DON'T have to be included.

cable_force_adjust = 0.65
//NOTE:  Ensure, in the Sludge/Combat Alpha Hornet, this is the ONLY entry.

Changes are: EMPTY WEIGHT, which was done after reading the specs and doing my own conversions.  The WIKI entries are NOT CORRECT.  Also, changed PILOT WEIGHT, WEAPON WEIGHTS for AIM-120B, and WEAPON DESIGNATIONS(Technical eye-candy, nothing more). Also, the GEAR CONTACT DAMPENING values, along with the CABLE FORCE value, that when combined SHOULD make for a LESS Nose Pitching Down landings (land/carrier).

Also, as CAPT discussed earlier, during a trap when going to MIL power the Hornet will still blast forward a bit when toe brakes are maxed out.  My temp fix has been to setup my x52 SECONDARY TRIGGER to set PARKING BRAKE.  That way, when I'm at the ball call, I just click thru my 2nd trigger and I'm ready to trap.  Granted if you watch the external view the wheels lock up... but hey, its FSX and its the best we can do for now.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #142 on: April 25, 2011, 09:18:03 am »

Here's the second post with the CAPT SIM Delta Hornet AIRCRAFT.CFG file changes and FA-18.AIR .ZIP file.

Changes in BOLD, so you can copy/paste the entire selection, or just manually edit "by hand" each of the values.
NOTES are denoted by //, please read, but DO NOT include in the data.

For the CS Delta Hornets, in the AIRCRAFT.CFG, edit these lines:

max_gross_weight = 56000.0                  // (pounds), default fsx = 56000.0
empty_weight = 23832.0                      // (pounds), default fsx = 24500.0
//NOTE:  Just the empty weight needs to be changed.  The other entries in WEIGHTS and BALANCE should be left alone.

station_load.0  = 300, -16.0, 0, 0.0        // Weight(lbs), longitudinal, lateral, vertical positions from datum (feet)
station_name.0  = "Pilot"

station_load.1  = 300, -20.0, 0, 0.0        // Weight(lbs), longitudinal, lateral, vertical positions from datum (feet)
station_name.1  = "WSO"

station_load.2=190.0, -34.0,  19.0,  3.0, AIM9X
station_load.3=250.0, -33.0,  12.0, -1.0, AIM120B
station_load.4=250.0, -33.0,   7.5, -1.0, AIM120B
station_load.5=250.0, -33.0,   4.0, -1.0, AIM120B
station_load.6=250.0, -33.0,  -4.0, -1.0, AIM120B
station_load.7=250.0, -33.0,  -7.5, -1.0, AIM120B
station_load.8=250.0, -33.0, -12.0, -1.0, AIM120B
station_load.9=190.0, -34.0, -19.0,  3.0, AIM9X
//NOTE:  WSO weight and distance are now accounted for, as well as new AIM-120B weights.

cruise_lift_scalar     =    1.0
parasite_drag_scalar   =    1.0           
induced_drag_scalar    =    1.2            // higher AoA drag, more realistic for CVN Ops
elevator_effectiveness =    1.0
aileron_effectiveness  =    1.1
rudder_effectiveness   =    1.0
pitch_stability        =    2.2
roll_stability         =    1.5
yaw_stability          =    1.5
elevator_trim_effectiveness =    4.5
aileron_trim_effectiveness  =    1.1
rudder_trim_effectiveness   =    1.0
//NOTE:  This fix is now dealt with in the FA-18.AIR file.  The prior entry of 1.05 no longer needed.

point.0=1, -18.00,  0.00, -6.475, 3600, 0, 1.0349, 75.0, 0.2200, 2.50, 0.8900, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0
point.1=1, -35.80, -8.00, -7.075, 3600, 1, 1.2349,  0.0, 1.1000, 1.15, 0.8856, 3.9, 3.9, 2, 0.0, 0.0
point.2=1, -35.80,  8.00, -7.075, 3600, 2, 1.2349,  0.0, 1.1000, 1.15, 0.8856, 3.7, 3.7, 3, 0.0, 0.0
//point.0=1, -18.00,  0.00, -6.475, 3600, 0, 1.0349, 75.0, 0.2200, 2.50, 0.9100, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0
//point.1=1, -35.80, -8.00, -7.075, 3600, 1, 1.2349,  0.0, 1.1000, 1.15, 0.8456, 3.9, 3.9, 2, 0.0, 0.0
//point.2=1, -35.80,  8.00, -7.075, 3600, 2, 1.2349,  0.0, 1.1000, 1.15, 0.8456, 3.7, 3.7, 3, 0.0, 0.0

// NOTE:  the "REM'd out (//) contact points are included for prior data comparison. They DON'T have to be included.

tailhook_position =    -51.00, 0, -2.0
tailhook_length =      4.6
cable_force_adjust =   0.65
//NOTE:  Ensure ALL ENTRIES are made.




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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #143 on: April 26, 2011, 07:21:02 pm »

I uploaded and released BOTH the NEWEST SHCHI.exe Installer files (Sludge/Combat Alpha and CS Sim Delta Hornets), along with the manual install .zip files (Sludge/Combat Hornets ONLY) to the server last night.

Auto Installer (small .exe to download; approx. 55MB to download base files)

Manual Install (approx. 100MB full download)

I'll get around to a new README.txt tonight, but I'm still considering this v1.2 Bravo.  Its not v1.3 yet.  Still got a few more mods and additions.

All of the current mods are included, subtracted the white NASA bird (least popular), and added Ray Gagnon's new CF-18 paint.  Also, added a small bonus in the AIRCRAFT.CFG, that most of the people who fly are included in the radio callsigns.  As you pull up each plane, you should see the modex, service, and initials/modex.  In example: for JJ's VMFA-323 CAG its listed as: tailnumber=200, airline=marine, flightnumber=JG200.




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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #144 on: April 27, 2011, 09:38:33 pm »

So whats the word on this latest iteration?  Whats good?  Whats bad?  What doesnt feel right?  What works well?

Let me know what you think.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #145 on: April 28, 2011, 01:38:39 am »
Hey, Sludge!
I'm about to install the latest, one question, I burned the 100mb(Sludge Only, not Capt Sim) to disc from work today. Were there any other changes to the CS Hornet other than the one you posted in the last one? I did that manually. Wanted to make sure I have the delta hornet up to date, too. I tried the  SHCHI.exe twice and got an error. Most likely due to dial-up!
Cooler Master Tower.


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #146 on: April 28, 2011, 03:16:54 am »
Not sure if this posted, so I'll try again.
When backing off the throttle, to about 80-85%, I get the old MSFS crappy burn-off, mixed in with your great effect. And, it dosen't happen with the CS Hornet(wierd, huh?) I noticed it after about the last 2 Sludge updates.
Here's a couple screens...

Cooler Master Tower.


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #147 on: April 28, 2011, 03:35:54 am »
Hi Sludge,

I have installed your mods on an incremental basis as you were releasing them on the forum. So, it is hard to make a clean cut comparison between the latest official release (last month?) and the one from last night.
Generally speaking though, I see some nice improvements on:
-HUD: more clarity and nice regrouping of data
-Vapor effects: a little more see-through and less dense
-Points on contacts: seems to be perfect on my carrier
-AC landing with less nose-diving
-Flaps: I like your recommendation on making them non-automatic. It gives more flexibility on approaches to get my alpha right.

On such a great plane, I am still annoyed by two things which you probably have no input on, they must be MS issues:
1-back wheels blocking when braking at's funny because on other planes, like the IRIS A-10, back wheels continue to roll nicely when braking.
2-back wheels sinking upon take off (see picture below), whereas my points on contact are fine when plane is idle on the ground.

Other than that, I am enjoying it a lot.  Any news on the dust cloud/water spray effect or the CHAFF/FLARES? I know you guys were working on it, just asking to check status, not to push in any way.

Thanks a lot,



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #148 on: April 28, 2011, 09:19:39 am »

Sorry I havent gotten back sooner.  Been feeling under the weather a bit and finally decent enough to hash out some answers.  As I get better, you'll hear from me more.  Most of my answers have been from work, where I dont have access to all my files, but I should be on more as I get better.


Good thinking about downloading to a CD and taking it home.  Also, there are a few changes to the CS Delta Hornet.  Just copy/paste the entire FA-18_HUD folder and the BlackBox.CAB from the latest Sludge into the CS Delta Hornets /PANEL folder and you should be fine.

Thats an MSFS issue with the default that Im working on getting rid of... I'm gonna try to "dummy out" (ie. wake=dummy.fx) that effect, so you dont get it.  Makes no sense and it looks really bad, IMO.


Thanks, good way to compare and the difference of feeling between the two is enormous.  I can barely fly the default anymore.  I sure as hell cant land it "USN style".  Still working on v1.3, so more late nights in my future.


Right on.  Thats the breakdown I was looking for...  good to hear.  In regards to your questions:

1-  What brakes do you use?  Personally, I have rudder pedals with toe brakes and use them, but they dont provide the stopping power that "set Parking Brake" does, so with traps, I like the MIL runup (for extra realism touch), and I use "set Parking Brake"  On shore landings, I use my toe brakes and the wheels still roll from the external view, but I dont get the stopping power.  IF you use a joystick key for braking, there's also an "anti-skid on/off" key in the FSX in-game key commands setup.  If you use that, youll get braking and the wheels will still roll.

2-  This is an FSX limitation.  I've seen other planes do it too.  It happens with the "virtual weight" comes off the deck and extends the gear into the ground.  Nothing I can do there.  Sorry.

3-  Yes, still working on getting dust cloud/water spray AND Chaff/Flare implemented.  Maybe even a wire pull back, hook up gauge?  That will part of v1.3 release, with no set date... as of right now.  Or even a ball park.  Maybe late summer?



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #149 on: April 28, 2011, 05:47:24 pm »

1-  What brakes do you use?  Personally, I have rudder pedals with toe brakes and use them, but they dont provide the stopping power that "set Parking Brake" does, so with traps, I like the MIL runup (for extra realism touch), and I use "set Parking Brake"  On shore landings, I use my toe brakes and the wheels still roll from the external view, but I dont get the stopping power.  IF you use a joystick key for braking, there's also an "anti-skid on/off" key in the FSX in-game key commands setup.  If you use that, youll get braking and the wheels will still roll.



Thanks for all the good answers. I am using a joystick key for braking (Saitek X-52 Pro). I need help though, I can't find  the "anti-skid on/off" key your are mentioning in  FSX. In what "menu" is it (the settings menu is not really user-friendly in FSX) ? There is an "anti-skid " switch on the F/A-18 front panel (bottom left side) but is doesn't seem to have any action on the plane breaks, the wheels still block.
Thanks for letting me know when you have a minute.


PS: I just found the answer to my question, as you said, in the settings/key commands...
Hope you are holding on out there and that you were not impacted by the storms/twisters.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 04:16:42 am by Johan »