Sorry, no. It's not compatible with DX10, there's a mistake in the web site that we'll correct.
The only scenery that is 100% compatible with DX10 it's KDFW, because it doesn't use anything written with the FS2002 SDK. All sceneries that use this kind of ground ( 99.99% of the 3rd party addon sceneries ) have the same problem.
Of course, is always suggested to test the Trial first, before purchasing, another reason why we offer a Trial version, is that you can check compatibiliy yourself, without relying on written documentation that might (as in this case) contain mistakes.
If DX10 compatibility is of paramount importance for you (but then I guess you couldn't use any other of our sceneries except KDFW) we can offer you a refund, because this is not going to be fixed, since it's how it's made the scenery, and it's not a bug.