Didnt feel like repurchasing the product just for another download link, which was the Cloud9 respsonse to my inquiry at the time.
Well, the Cloud9 response was *technically* correct because, the XClass scenery is not sold as Trial and it doesn't use the Addon Manager online activation. Which means, the download is not freely available like all other products, but is only available (like any other product that doesn't use online activation) as a temporary link after you purchase.
For those products, you are offered the chance to purchase at extra cost a sort of "download insurance" (Esellerate calls it EDS, Extended Download Service). You are obviously not forced to buy it, it's entirely optional but, if you chose not to buy it, it becomes your responsibility to keep a backup of the installer.
And that was the legally correct anwser...
However, we are more flexible which means, after we took over support for Cloud9 products in Nov. 2009, we got several requests from customers that lost their downloads for the XClass series, and all of them have been given a download link for free. You are welcome to ask for it by emailing us, in case you want to try again your past XClass purchase.