Nobody else has ever reported a problem with runway textures at O'Hare.
In the screenshot posted on that forum, I don't see anything related to a runway texture. Instead, the car parking is missing, which is also not normal and, nobody else reported it before.
When a problem with missing buildings happens, it usually means there's a problem with the Addon Manager not running, and that is almost always a problem with the antivirus. But in that case, you won't see ANY buildings, not just one missing.
Under FS9, it's much simpler than FSX, since are no Simconnect issues, either the Addon Manager runs or it doesn't and, if it doesn't, you wouldn't see its menu, and no building will show and surely not just on landing, but even at start.
Could be you have installed FlyTampa Midway after O'Hare ? If yes, there's a problem with that scenery, that a .BGL that comes with it that is used to improve fps at Midway by excluding jetways at the default O'Hare, excludes some of our buildings so, it shouldn't be used. Our installer removes it if it finds it but, if you install Midway after FSDT O'Hare, you need to remove the file manually. It's called kord_tweak.bgl, in the FlyTampa Midway scenery folder.
Also, if you have AES, check that is properly installed, and try with or without it, and see if it makes any difference.