Author Topic: Small 2024 hiccups  (Read 451 times)


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Small 2024 hiccups
« on: November 22, 2024, 10:25:27 am »
I now relinked my GSX to MSFS2024 and some small hiccups I observed:

- each time I use free flight for the very first time, the Couatl window pops up telling me that it crashed and asking for a restart of Couatl. From this moment on, Couatl works until I restart the sim. I somehow remember that I had the same issue in MSFS2020 for some time until an update fixed it.

- in another thread it is suggested that we should disable the replacement jetways for time being. What I wonder: if I select MSFS2024 in the dropdown menue and click on "config", the settings are IDENTICAL between MSFS2020 and MSFS2024. Means also all airports I have an addon scenery are disabled. Is it safe to change things there? It wont affect the config in MSFS2020, correct?

- LSZH seems to work flawlessly in 2024, just the snow coverage is not completely perfect. Can it be that the hill at RWY28 is fixed in 2024?

So much for the moment, now I just need to find out how to get rid of those ugly default AI planes reappearing in MSFS2024. I thought they were eliminated and replaced by a library of proper AI planes...