Good afternoon to the team, I want to report that the coualt scripting engine is getting freezed at certain sceneries, for example FSIMSTUDIOS MPTO scenery and Latinvfr KMSY when gsx is requested to perform the services Catering and boarding, this has happened to me with the aircrafts Captainsim 767 and Leonardo Maddog in the simulator P3d v4.5. The vehicules initially appear normally, but once asked for example to make boarding they move to the aircraft get freezed, or also when requested to peform catering the trucks appear in somewhere but then get freezed there and I canĀ“t do nothing neither deploy the main menu "ctrl+shift+f12", or even selecting "restart coualt" nothing happens, once I close the simulator the coualt scripting engine continues to be open and freezed until I shut it down from the task manager.