It's really sad that there already exist two, three or even four payware sceneries for the same airport.
The best example is Barcelona LEBL. The developers put so many effort and love in it, and then only few buy it because there are already existing other sceneries.
Nowadays it's quite difficult to find high rated active airports to create, which weren't already published.
Here my idea: How about to create and publish very interesting retired airports, like
- Berlin Tempelhof
- Munich Riem
- Athens (old) LGAT
- Quito (old) SEQU
- ...
These are only examples and I'm sure there are even more.
And I would really LOVE fly there. Even they do not exist anymore in reality.
I mean the developers conserve old airplanes, which do not fly anymore, why not also conserve beautiful and interesting old airports?
But they need to get developed nicely and almost realistic, with it's runways and the approach procedures of it's time.
I mean with working historic ILS, VOR, NDB.
And it should be possible to activate their historic arrival and approach procedures in the airliners FMC.
I know, sometimes you have to remove buildings, which where built there. But i think, it's worth it!
That would be really awesome and i would buy them instantly for sure.