Apart from pushback and stairs, the actions of ground crew are not able to be individually called, dismissed, or skipped. A fuel truck will always be called, and if your plane has a custom fuel system it will not leave until it loads at least some fuel. Crucially, it will not leave if you call for pushback; in fact no services will leave upon calling for pushback until their action is complete, and there is no skip button. I can't believe I paid 50 hard earned Australian Dollars for a plugin that doesn't have a skip button, nor a dismiss button.
Lets set out an example: It's a busy day on VATSIM and I'm loading up my aircraft. My slot time is approaching, and I have underestimated the time it will take for my passengers and fuel to load. My only option in this scenario is too restart Couatl to remove the ground services. Furthermore, I need to make a quick pushback, but pushing back with GSX enforces a long waiting time while the tug connects and bypass pin is inserted. Neither I, nor the ground controller have time for this, but alas there is no skip button, forcing me to push back with another utility, and further fuelling my disdain for GSX.
Further on the topic of pushback, being able to skip the connection phase saves inordinate amounts of time when creating and testing GSX Pushback routes. Yet another reason to add a "skip animation/realism" feature.
Edit to add: "Cannot call GPU while boarding in process"... really? I'm not allowed to have my nice visual until ALL my passengers have left the plane, at which point there is a 50% chance I'll be logging off? Really hurts my chances of getting the most out of this plugin.
I understand wanting to have these services automated, but it is unacceptable that there is no option to disable this automation when the situation calls for it.
As an aside when restarting Couatl due to hiccups in the script, often the Couatl Boot process will not close on completion, staying visible in task manager. Please fix.