Author Topic: GSX Issue while Launching P3Dv4.5  (Read 38 times)


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GSX Issue while Launching P3Dv4.5
« on: June 29, 2024, 09:05:53 pm »
I am asking for assistance for a problem that I've actually already solved. I'm curious how this problem could have actually happened. I have been updating GSX through the Live Update app anytime there was a needed update for P3D. Several days ago I got an error message as P3dv4.5 was loading.

"The following error occurred while parsing the configuration file
"C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\Couatl.ini: the argument (50000000 logFile=""') for option 'airportCacheMaxBGLSizeBytes' is invalid
Part of the file after the error will be ignored."

GSX did not work at all in the sim and was not in any drop down menus. I examined the Couatl.INI file and noticed something had been added at the end of the single line of text.

airportCacheMaxBGLSizeBytes = 50000000 logFile=""

I dragged the file to my desktop and then copied it back into the appropriate location on my hard drive. I deleted part of the line logFile="" from the INi file and saved it. I kept the original Couatl.INI file on my desktop. When I relaunched the sim, GSX worked as it should. I did not touch any files related to GSX prior to this error occurring. Again I'm just asking how this could have happened and what steps should I take to prevent it from happening again, if there are any.
