Author Topic: GSX JFK V2 not working FSX  (Read 103 times)


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GSX JFK V2 not working FSX
« on: June 27, 2024, 01:07:52 am »
Hey there,

I am currently struggling with GSX at JFK in FSX. After selecting the handling operator, and I can take any, then the error as shown in the error text below comes up.

I have run the Live Updater multiple times, I have checked if any personal airport configuration is installed in Virtuali/GSX but I can't find an answer. I have now also tested GSX with my personally created LTAI/AYT profile and there are absolutely no issues so it is an issue with KJFK V2.

The problem is only the parking system. I was able to use the Jetways, Refuel, Catering, Boarding/Deboarding, Pushback and so on.

I hope y'all can help me with this.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2024, 03:00:47 pm by FCE64 »


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Re: GSX JFK V2 not working FSX - VDGS Font Issue?
« Reply #1 on: Today at 10:40:01 am »
Looking at your log file it appears we have the same issue. I have attached my log file. It appears that an error is occurring when the VDGS activates. (I'm using the GSX SafeGate24 in my case. Not a SODE VDGS.) I can load the sim at a gate without VDGS with no issues but as soon as I move to a gate with VDGS then GSX crashes. When I arrive at an airport, GSX will crash when I specify a gate with VDGS. This issue has occurred after one of the more recent updates as I had no issues a week or so ago.

I'm using Prepar3d 5.4.

Sorry that I'm not solving your issue, but at least there are two of us with the same problem!!
