Interestingly here is the advice from the VRS SuperBug Manual (freely available via download): (13.7Mb)"...
Pattern Entry"A normal break is performed by executing a level turn to downwind with the throttles reduced to IDLE and the speedbrake function enabled (if required to reduce airspeed).
[ ] Speedbrake EXTEND (if required)
[ ] Airspeed 250 KCAS
[ ] FLAP switch FULL
Downwind leg -
The desired abeam distance is 1.1 to 1.4 nm. The g-level required to achieve the desired abeam distance will be a fallout of break airspeed.
Trim the aircraft hands-off and on-speed. Compare airspeed and AOA.
Onspeed AOA is approximately 136 KCAS at 44,000 lb gross weight (max trap). Subtract (add) 1½ KCAS for each 1,000 lb decrease (increase) in gross weight. Complete the landing checklist. When wings level on downwind, descend to pattern altitude (600 ft AGL for the low pattern). Ensure the ground track pointer is on the exact reciprocal of runway heading.
To assist in achieving the desired abeam distance of 1.1 to 1.4 nm, select the 10 nm scale on the HSI display. Select ship’s TCN and adjust the course line to the BRC. On downwind fly to place the wingtip of the HSI airplane symbol on the course line. Ensure the ground track pointer
is on the exact reciprocal of the BRC. Select ILS if desired and available.
[ ] Altitude 600 FT (RALT)
[ ] LDG checklist (CHK page) COMPLETE
[ ] Airspeed ON SPEED
[ ] ILS TUNED/ON (if desired)
[ ] TCN steering TUNED/ON (if desired)
[ ] ATC ENGAGE (if desired)
Approach auto throttle (ATC) may be engaged if desired. Approach autothrottle, available in PA mode, will attempt to capture and maintain proper landing AoA (8.1°) regardless of GW or attitude.
WARNINGApproach auto throttle is not designed to operate in aggressive maneuvering flight. Aggressive attitude changes cannot be countered quickly enough for predictable and consistent speed adjustments."
The manual then goes on to describe a 'velocity vector' approach without reference to the basic 'meatball, line up and airspeed' method. One may not agree with basic approach method but it does get you there better IMHO. However I cannot comment because I don't have/use the Bug of Much Superness.
Even though is babble about using the VelocityVector there is good info about AoA in same PDF as shown here below.