Author Topic: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering  (Read 20830 times)


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #75 on: December 28, 2023, 10:38:54 pm »
Than I apologize for the misunderstanding.
However you still prove me right, because the only thing you did on the whole post was defending and not even asking for one information or data
« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 11:12:05 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #76 on: December 28, 2023, 11:13:24 pm »
Than I apologize for the misunderstanding.
However you still prove me right, because the only thing you did on the whole post was defending and not even asking for one information or data

I haven't you proved right at all, I was replying first and foremost to that, but I keep posting new suggestions to try, to understand what the real cause it.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #77 on: December 28, 2023, 11:55:57 pm »
I'm on Windows 11 Pro v.23H2

Alright, so I started the laptop, which runs Windows 11, and tried it at KIAH. Are you seeing something very different that this?

My settings in MSFS:

- Default Ultra profile
- DX12 with Frame generation on (it's a 4090 mobile)
- TAA antialiasing.
- VSync Enabled, 100% monitor rate. The monitor is external and can't do more than 60 hz.

NVidia Control Panel:

- Vsync forced Enabled
- Max fps limited to 58 (tried also 60, no difference)

One thing I changed (long ago) in Windows 11, is the Memory Integrity in the Core isolation page, which is something even Microsoft itself suggest for gaming:

I haven't disabled the Virtual Machine Platform, since it seems to already be running fine as it is now, but you might try that one too.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #78 on: December 29, 2023, 12:10:50 am »
Can u try pushing back with pmdg 737 in Virtual Cockpit captain view and while pushing back turn your head to the left and leave the camera in that still position till it ends pushback?
The way you're moving drone camera in this video makes it harder to see the stutters, but they are there. Your settings are pretty much like mine, with the exception that I only use vsync ON in NVCP, my msfs settings are moderate, fps capped at 100 but tried at 60 in NVCP. I run an RTX4070 and ryzen 7900X3D BTW.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2023, 12:56:28 am by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #79 on: December 29, 2023, 12:56:35 am »
The way you're moving drone camera in this video makes it harder to see the stutters, but they are there.

Now I'm worried that what you called "stutter fest", might just be what I consider to be completely minor and inconsequential micro-stuttering.

For example, when a vehicle changes direction or slows down or stops, there is a tiny lag due to the fact new Simconnect commands are sent to command a new heading or a new speed, etc. Those cannot be removed entirely.

I'm sure they would be smoother if we let the sim move them by sending only waypoints but, this method is more imprecise, doesn't support articulated vehicles like baggage trains that have even the front dolly which pivots, and doesn't allow enough precision in positioning which we need to sync animations like the baggage loaders, which need to have the vehicle placed very precisely, so it's not really feasible moving the objects in any other way, which also protect GSX for unforeseen bugs in the sim, like this one:

However, some people here swear it "happed after a GSX update", but we have been moving the objects this way for years.

In any case, here's the pushback from the point of view you asked. Sorry for the first 30 seconds, where I had time acceleration 2x enabled (which makes stuttering worse)


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #80 on: December 29, 2023, 02:36:29 am »
Thank you for the video and the support. Well, for me those are pretty heavy stutters that weren't present in previous version of your product. You update gsx pro so many times (this is not a critic, the contrary) that I don't recall which version was that was not stuttering like your video and my findings show. I hope you can fix this "micro stutters" for you, "stutter fest" for me, that where not present, let' say in the middle of the year versions.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #81 on: December 29, 2023, 04:56:12 am »
Thank you for the video and the support. Well, for me those are pretty heavy stutters that weren't present in previous version of your product. You update gsx pro so many times (this is not a critic, the contrary) that I don't recall which version was that was not stuttering like your video and my findings show. I hope you can fix this "micro stutters" for you, "stutter fest" for me, that where not present, let' say in the middle of the year versions.

Exactly, it used to be completely smooth back in September when I last used it. I’m on a gsync monitor and can tell the difference quite well. I mean, if you try to pushback with the default MSFS, you can see how smooth it is while inside the cockpit. It used to be smooth with GSX too back in September. I don’t know what went wrong but I’ve done a complete fresh Windows 11 installation and ran the sim completely vanilla with only GSX in the community folder and Fenix A320 or PMDG 737, still stutters.

I’ve given up on this thing for now. Been using better pushback for weeks now. Can’t stand that stutter mess on pushback right now from GSX.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #82 on: December 29, 2023, 10:27:09 am »
Exactly, it used to be completely smooth back in September when I last used it.

And that's precisely why, in the 2st post of this thread, I posted version 2.7.6 from September:,30676.msg196833.html#msg196833

Nobody that tried it has said it made any difference, clearly proving it's NOT a GSX update, it might be a simulator update, a windows update or a drivers update.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #83 on: December 29, 2023, 10:48:48 am »
I mean, if you try to pushback with the default MSFS, you can see how smooth it is while inside the cockpit.

That's obvious: the default Pushback method is an internal system that doesn't use Simconnect, so it's not affected by anything extra other than the simulator's own code. While everything that connects through Simconnect, is affected by anything in Windows that might affect interprocess communication.

I hope you can fix this "micro stutters" for you, "stutter fest" for me, that where not present, let' say in the middle of the year versions.

It's becoming increasingly difficult trying to follow all these conflicting reports. Somebody swears it was "completely smooth in September", but then I posted a version of the Offline installer from September, and everybody that tried it said it didn't change anything. That should be enough proof that it's not a "change" in GSX but must be a change in something else.

But that's not even the main point, if what I see is clearly minor and inconsequential micro-stuttering, but you see it as "heavy" stutter even in my video so, what kind of investigation into alternative methods to drive animations I could do, when we don't even perceive the results in the same way?

On ONE thing I can agree though: what it looks to me like a minor micro-stutter on my last video, made with Windows 11, I can see it IS a tiny bit worse on Windows 11 than it is on Windows 10 and, in general, Windows 11 for some reasons seems less responsive.

For example, the baggage loader guy that's normally gets attached to the loader vehicle in Windows 10 almost immediately, appears a couple of seconds later in Windows 11. The GSX menu is also slower to appear.  This attach is of course made with a Simconnect command and the GSX menu also must wait for the Navdata to arrive before it can list the parking spots or know where you are before it can open so, it seems that for some reason, Simconnect communication is worse on Windows 11. Simconnect communication uses a standard inter-process communication provided by the OS, called "named pipes" so, anything in the OS can possibly affect it.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #84 on: December 29, 2023, 01:37:21 pm »
Exactly, it used to be completely smooth back in September when I last used it.

And that's precisely why, in the 2st post of this thread, I posted version 2.7.6 from September:,30676.msg196833.html#msg196833

Nobody that tried it has said it made any difference, clearly proving it's NOT a GSX update, it might be a simulator update, a windows update or a drivers update.

If this is the case, than that means GSX is not compatible with current Windows or MSFS or Nvidia updates. So basically GSX is the one with the problem. So if I would be a new customer, I would not want to buy GSX because im running the latest windows/MSFS versions.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #85 on: December 29, 2023, 01:45:33 pm »
I don’t know about everyone else, but im POSITIVE it was smooth as butter back in September. I’ve done some windows updates and graphics updates since then so don’t really know what caused the issue but all I know is that it wasn’t like that before. If it was Windows or any other update that causes the issue than you would basically have to tell the masses not to update to latest versions of anything cuz it might break GSX. That sounds absurd.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2023, 02:34:46 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #86 on: December 29, 2023, 02:39:45 pm »
I don’t know about everyone else, but im POSITIVE it was smooth as butter back in September.

And that's precisely why I posted a version from September to try. Are you we trying to understand if it was a "GSX update" or not?

If it was Windows or any other update that causes the issue than you would basically have to tell the masses not to update to latest versions of anything cuz it might break GSX. That sounds absurd.

I really don't know what you are trying to say now. It's obvious that any issue that could cause a loss in performance in Simconnect would cause a problem to a Simconnect application, or any other problem in the sim/windows/drivers for that matter.

If Simconnect gets less smooth, what EXACTLY are we supposed to do from GSX? Magically make it better? Yes, exactly, expecting this IS absurd.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2023, 02:41:27 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #87 on: December 29, 2023, 04:08:25 pm »
In conclusion, we still have heavy (for me) stutters in all vehicles which weren't present back in mid year.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #88 on: December 29, 2023, 07:59:43 pm »
I know this is just a personal preference, but could it even be possible for GSX to just make a program specifically just for pushback? It could be called GSX instead of GSX Pro. I myself don’t care about catering or any of that other stuff. I just want an awesome pushback program. Would that make GSX in that state alone much smoother? I would not mind paying for it again if it was just this.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #89 on: December 30, 2023, 12:03:08 am »
I know this is just a personal preference, but could it even be possible for GSX to just make a program specifically just for pushback? It could be called GSX instead of GSX Pro. I myself don’t care about catering or any of that other stuff. I just want an awesome pushback program. Would that make GSX in that state alone much smoother? I would not mind paying for it again if it was just this.

You just don't want to accept the possibility that what I'm saying it's true and it's NOT something we can control? Is your theory that, because GSX does other things other than pushback, Simconnect would automatically work faster/smoother if we remove the other services? It's not as if we are doing Catering, Passenger, Cargo all at the same time so, extracting the Pushback won't change anything.

Or, are you suggesting we should dumb it down to use the default Pushback system? There are alternatives if you prefer this option, some of them even free.