Author Topic: Installation Location  (Read 1879 times)


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Installation Location
« on: July 13, 2023, 12:03:14 pm »

I have recently purchased GSX Pro, having been using GSX for P3d along with several P3d airport sceneries for a number of years.

In my set up I keep P3d and MSFS on two separate SSDs, however my understanding of the way in which your installer works is that all of your products can only be installed to the same location.

Would my understanding be correct?




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Re: Installation Location
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2023, 01:08:28 pm »
Yes, and this doesn't have any relationship with the fact you keep MSFS and P3D on two separate drives. In fact, it's precisely because the FSDT installation is in its own separate folder, which can be on any drive, with no relationship to where the simulator (or simulators) are installed, allows this.


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Re: Installation Location
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2023, 09:39:22 pm »
Thanks for the reply.

In my particular set up I try to keep as much add-on scenery as possible outside the simulator (I believe this is the is the considered wisdom) however I also like to keep everything related to P3d on its hard drive, and similarly everything for MSFS on its own drive.

Sadly it doesn't seem that your ecosystem will allow for this and I will have to choose one drive or the other to install everything (or the C: drive). Not the end of the world, just a pity.



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Re: Installation Location
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2023, 12:53:13 am »
In my particular set up I try to keep as much add-on scenery as possible outside the simulator (I believe this is the is the considered wisdom) however I also like to keep everything related to P3d on its hard drive, and similarly everything for MSFS on its own drive.

Which is EXACTLY what our installer allows!!

The "wisdom" you are referring to, was STARTED BY US, in 2017, the day P3D V4 came out, when we updated our installers to "install sceneries outside the sim", by using the add-on.xml method, instead of placing everything inside the sim that was the norm before that. Back then, I do recall some users attaching us to be the usual "innovative weirdos", using a "confusing" method (everything new is always confusing) of the add-on.xml, instead of the "easy" (messy) old way to place everything inside the simulator.

Of course, LM was right to have introduced this system and to suggest using it as the proper method to install a scenery, and of course we were right to be the first adopting it because, in time, users started to see the benefits, other developers followed us, and THEN this became the "considered wisdom".

Sadly it doesn't seem that your ecosystem will allow for this and I will have to choose one drive or the other to install everything (or the C: drive). Not the end of the world, just a pity.

Our system SURELY lets you install "as much add-on scenery as possible outside the simulator", and this is valid for both simulators. While in P3D this is supposed the official method ( even if not all developers follows it, but we do, before anybody else did ), with MSFS we reached this worthy goal we surely believe it, by using Symbolic Links to the Community folder, precisely to allow keeping things "outside the simulator", even in a simulator that wasn't precisely designed to do that.

But what the requirement of keeping the FSDT products together, would reduce in any way your desire to "keep add-ons outside the simulator" ? They are two completely different things: we SURELY keep everything outside the simulator, we just keep OUR stuff together, and that's it.

An eventual method that would use two duplicate FSDT installation, one for MSFS and another one for P3D, wouldn't improve at all on your goal of "keeping things outside the simulator", because that's already done, but it would be WAY worse and way messier because:

- We would create lots of duplicate files, wasting space your drive for no reason and no benefit. This because many of our products SHARE files, which would be otherwise duplicated if we had two separate FSDT installations.

- We would have a messier and more unreliable update process, because two (cloned) updaters would have to check and update files in two different locations that would have been otherwise identical otherwise. Even if the updater might be one, it would still have to deal with a doubled install location, that is more complexity with zero benefit, but surely more disk space taken on *your* disk.

- You would have to deal with adding multiple antivirus exclusions for the install folder, instead of one.

So no, it makes sense for many reasons to keep OUR products together, and we should now it better, considering we made the software, the products, the installer, the updater, and we know how they work, and we know you won't gain *anything* by splitting the installation in two, when the files are ALL already installed outside the sim.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2023, 12:55:31 am by virtuali »


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Re: Installation Location
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2023, 03:08:26 am »
Thanks again.

I appreciate the extended explanation and I do follow your reasoning however at the risk of 'flogging a dead horse', each of your points seem to be compromises that other vendors are prepared to make, or are at least prepared to offer the option.

As it stands I believe I am back to my post from a couple of days ago where I concluded that in a world where everything else I currently own is separated by simulator, it does seem that I will have to choose one drive or the other to install everything FSDT, or the C: drive.

As previously mentioned, not the end of the world. Just a pity.


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Re: Installation Location
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2023, 03:43:50 pm »
each of your points seem to be compromises that other vendors are prepared to make, or are at least prepared to offer the option.

I think I already explained why this is the best option FOR US.

"Other vendors" don't usually have the same level of intertwined interactions between products like sceneries, interacting with GSX, which works with several simulators at once, with most of its code shared, that's why what might be the better option for others, is not the better option for us.

Again, we made the software, we know how it works, we know what is shared between the simulator and what isn't, and that's why we decided that having all FSDT products together IS the better option AND it DOES allow you to reach your goal of "installing outside the simulator" as well, without all the disadvantages I already explained if we allowed to needlessly "split" our installed products "by simulator", which will only give you an ILLUSION of better "flexibility", with no real advantage and only downsides.

As it stands I believe I am back to my post from a couple of days ago where I concluded that in a world where everything else I currently own is separated by simulator, it does seem that I will have to choose one drive or the other to install everything FSDT, or the C: drive.

That issue is your assumption that, just because everything else you own is separated by simulator, this would automatically be the best solution, when it's not.

- For products that don't have any interaction or shared files in different simulators, having them separated "by simulator" might make you happier to have them organized in the way you like, with no big downsides.

- For OUR products that DO have lots of shared files across different simulators AND a common updater that supports all simulators, the downsides I already explained several times, will far outweigh the psychological effect of them appearing to be "separated by simulator".

The thing that matter, from a functional point of view, is installing outside the simulator, which we comply to and we did that before everybody else. Artificially separate them further "by simulator" when they are already installed outside of it, won't give you any benefit, just extra problems and wasted disk space.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2023, 03:55:25 pm by virtuali »