Author Topic: User interface suggestions  (Read 718 times)


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User interface suggestions
« on: July 12, 2023, 11:53:56 pm »
Hi, I have two user interface suggestions:

1) Please do something about "Just Warp Me There", as you might hit this accidentaly and it moves you without alert to that parking spot obviously (it just happened to me). Suggestion: make it more visually distant from the other options, or ask "Are You Sure?"

2) Upon arrival on an airfield and after selecting a gate in GSX to park, I often use "Just Show Me This Spot". If I want to show the spot again after a few moments (just as a reminder as where to head exactly), I have to browse again through the available gates to the selected one, which is rather cumbersome. It would be way easier when this gate stayed as the selected one, and it showed all relevant options for that gate. So please do not revert to the overview of all gates after you already selected a gate, but stay on the options for that specific gate.