Author Topic: Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through  (Read 16652 times)


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Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through
« on: March 22, 2010, 04:04:07 am »
Hi there

I have recently got a new computer with windows 7 64 bit version.

I am running FS2004 with a few scenery add ons and all work fine apart from Cloud9 Amsterdam????

The textures at the airport constantly flicker and there is a very large triangle shaped on on of the taxiways made up of some taxiway signs??????

I did not thave this problem before on my old computer, so not sure if it is a scenery problem not working with my version of windows 7???

If this is the case, then obviously I am not going to get rid of my new operating system, so is there a way I can solve this??? If not then how do I go about a refund, as I will have to buy another version of amsterdam from somewhwere else so it does work.

I have also attached a screenshot so that you can see what I mean, and also about the ground textures.

I look forward to hearing from anyone
Kind Regards

Gavin Moss


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Re: Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2010, 10:37:17 am »
I did not thave this problem before on my old computer, so not sure if it is a scenery problem not working with my version of windows 7???

Since you didn't had the problem before, and the scenery hasn't changed, it's clearly not a problem of the scenery.

Most likely, is a video drivers problem, judging from your screenshot, the strange triangle is not the only problem you have, textures looks as they are not filtered (see the building roof, for example). This isn't something the scenery controls by itself, but it entirely handled by the video driver.

The scenery does work with Windows 7: a scenery by itself doesn't have any notion of the OS used. The only thing that *might* have had a problem, could be the Addon Manager program the scenery needs to run but, if you had a problem with that, you wouldn't see its menu bar, and you wouldn't see any scenery so, the Addon Manager is surely working on your system. In any case, nothing in the Addon Manager controls image quality or could create something like you are seeing.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 10:39:43 am by virtuali »


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Re: Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2010, 12:43:45 pm »
Hi there,

Thanks for your reply. I have updated my video drivers, all other add on scenery is fine aprt from this one, so don't know where the problem is?

Kind Regards
Gavin Moss


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Re: Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2010, 01:07:04 pm »
I have updated my video drivers, all other add on scenery is fine aprt from this one

That other sceneries are fine, doesn't mean much.

There are different ways to create graphic objects in FS9, but if your video drivers have a bug (the fact they are updated, doesn't necessarily means they are bug free, sometimes an older version might work better than a newer one) that manifests only if the scenery use some kind of instructions, you will have problems with that scenery only.

And, since the scenery used to work on your old setup, it's clear the problem is something related to your new setup.

Are you using a video driver tweaker, like nHancer ?


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Re: Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2010, 03:10:22 pm »
Hi there,

No Im not using a video tweaker, would that help at all if I did???

Kind Regards
Gavin Moss


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Re: Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2010, 05:28:03 pm »
Hi there,

No Im not using a video tweaker, would that help at all if I did???

Kind Regards
Gavin Moss
No a video driver is what produces the images on the computer screen


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Re: Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2010, 07:58:37 pm »
Hi there,

My Graphics card is a Nvidia 8500GT, I have updated the driver, is that what may cause the problem???

Kind Regards
Gavin Moss


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Re: Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2010, 08:41:09 pm »
Hi there,

Thanks for all your help, I have now sorted it out!

All I had to do was right click on the FS9.exe and under compatability, set it to XP Service Pack 2

Kind Regards
Gavin Moss


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Re: Amsterdam Texture flickering and bleed through
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2010, 09:43:51 pm »
All I had to do was right click on the FS9.exe and under compatability, set it to XP Service Pack 2

Ok, this just confirms it was a video driver problem.

There are two video driver standards: WDDM 1.0, which was introduced with Vista, and WDDM 1.1, which appeared with Windows 7. By default, Windows 7 works in WDDM 1.1, but when you enable the compatibility modes, it reverts to 1.0. So, it seems your video driver doesn't work well in WDDM 1.1, and the compatibility mode fixed it.