Author Topic: Marshaller behind terminal at FSDT KORD  (Read 1455 times)


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Marshaller behind terminal at FSDT KORD
« on: January 16, 2023, 05:29:26 am »
At pretty much every airport, for example LVFR KBWI, ORBX PHOG, and even FSDT KORD gate 10 for example, the marshaller is behind the walls of the terminal and the minimum marshaller distance has to be reset. At KORD I would think that the Marshaller would be in the right place since it is made by FSDT. When I readjusted the distance it is often too close to the PMDG 737 to see the marshaller near the end of the taxi in. At KORD I also when trying to readjust the minimum parking distance got an error that there is a parking mismatch in ini or something like that and that I needed to restart. Came too fast to see it all.
I wonder if this has anything to do with recent change whereby for the PMDG the Marshaller is always on the ground and not on the ladder.

Also readjusting this distance for every airport is very tedious, as its hit and miss and after respecifying the distance I have to go back to the main menu and in essence restart the sim, respawn,  taxi back to the gate to see if it worked etc. Very time consuming to keep doing this to find the proper distance,  and may not work for all gates. Then I am restricted to choosing one gate per airport. I don't recall having all these issues with P3d version.



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Re: Marshaller behind terminal at FSDT KORD
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2023, 09:32:33 am »
and even FSDT KORD gate 10 for example, the marshaller is behind the walls of the terminal

Are you sure you are using the FSDT GSX profile that comes with KORD ( kord-V2_fsdt.INI in %APPDATA%\Virtuali\GSX\MSFS ) ? Because, from your report, assuming that "Gate 10" really means one of the main terminal gates and not a "parking", each and every gate that has the number 10, on terminal B, C, E, F, G, H, K, L and M, they ALL have Docking Systems, so you are not supposed to see a Marshaller to begin with.

Of course, since we are in the GSX section of the forum, I assume you mean the GSX Marshaller, because of course GSX has no control over the default MSFS Marshaller would end up.


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Re: Marshaller behind terminal at FSDT KORD
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2023, 06:48:11 pm »
I am  using the FSDT version of KORD for MSFS, at least I installed it.
I have not seen any docking system there other than a Marshaller.

I am not sure if I am using that GSX profile or not. I do not know how to determine that. I was unaware that MSFS even had its own Marshaller. I have SU10 NAVDATA API checked.

I attached a picture of the  files found in the folder you mention and the file  kord-V2_fsdt.INI is not there.
I meant to say gate B 10.

I am using GSX Pro at KORD and after arriving called for parking and called for Gate B10 which is where I went.Marshaller was not visible. I found it behind the terminal wall.  Subsequently to see the marshaller I had to move it forward by adjusting the Minimum Marshaller distance.

Very interesting I must be doing something wrong or perhaps my installation went wrong. But I see that the airport is installed in the ADDON Manager folder along with the other GSX Pro items.


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Re: Marshaller behind terminal at FSDT KORD
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2023, 08:57:45 pm »
I looked at the manual accessible from the FSDT Universal installer and found this:

Docking Systems
These were handled by GSX in the P3D version, so they won’t be available until we’ll
have GSX working in MSFS, which requires extra support from the MSFS SDK to be
possible. Until then, you can use the default Marshallers from MSFS to park.

So I am confused about these marshallers and a new docking system. According to the Universal Installer I have the latest KORD update. I thought all the marshallers came from GSX Pro.



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Re: Marshaller behind terminal at FSDT KORD
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2023, 01:37:25 am »
Update, I found the file kord-V2_fsdt.INI in the scenery folder and moved it over to the profiles folder and now KORD has the VDGS enabled as you mention and parking my 737 PMDG works fine.
I have also found some  GSX Profiles for the other airports mentioned and the Marshaller appears at the correct distance. So it sounds like using the profiles is the answer if they exist.



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Re: Marshaller behind terminal at FSDT KORD
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2023, 10:01:30 am »
Update, I found the file kord-V2_fsdt.INI in the scenery folder and moved it over to the profiles folder and now KORD has the VDGS enabled as you mention and parking my 737 PMDG works fine.

The FSDT Live Update is supposed to download profiles for all FSDT airports ( those found to be installed when you run it ) and place it in the profiles folder automatically, whenever you update GSX.