Author Topic: GSX 2 STOPPED WORKING  (Read 743 times)


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« on: January 07, 2023, 08:52:56 am »
Hi everyone:
I just thought it would be helpful if I left a sulution to a problem I was having. The other night, my sound card stopped working, I switched to onboard sound then found that the sound blaster driver for my card, dissappeared. I reinstalled it and it worked again. I then went back to working with GSX, building airports. I went to an airport, fired up the editor, fitted out and added what I wanted, brought in the editor, the airplane started spinning, all the graphics spun with it, it wouldnt stop, I couldnt get out of it by pressing (Y) so I reset the flight. Tried again, this time the editor froze. Had no way to adjust anything or move anything, in fact it seemed like FSX froze also and it did which lead me to believe it was not GSX that was causing the problem cause GSX runs outside of FSX. I reinstalled my video drivers, everything went back to normal. Something corrupted the drivers on my computer both sound and video. I dont know what it was but it wasnt GSX. It has no ability to do so. So, if your having any kind of a problem with GSX and GSX 2, i suggest you reinstall your drivers. They have a tendency of goin crazy for no reason at all. Good luck. Fantastic Program by the way.