Author Topic: Does fsx steam install the fsdt automatically  (Read 1544 times)


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Does fsx steam install the fsdt automatically
« on: November 18, 2022, 04:45:58 pm »
Hi I am wanting to know when i launch the flight simulator in steam sometimes a update occurs once i have the flight deck or game on eg 747-400 a box appears with FSDT update see updates then ignore updates. Do i have to update the FSDT installer or does steam automatically do this for the GSX. I not sure if i have to update this manually or the steam does this. Also when the aircraft is parked at the gate i apply the gsx list i click jetways once this is complete i de board pax the gsx vehicles move into pace.

After this i select the flight plan put all the details in then it goes back to the senery or gate. All the GSX vechicles and jetway dis appeaers and the cache states successful then i have to re select the airline to use again is there a glitch in the FSDT file or gsx steam?


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Re: Does fsx steam install the fsdt automatically
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2022, 10:05:07 pm »
I use FSX-Steam and the update notice appears the same way for me. It's just FSDT way of letting you know about updates that are available for your sim. You can also preview the updates. And, you have to update manually using FSDT LIVE UPDATE, if you chose to do an update.


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Re: Does fsx steam install the fsdt automatically
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2022, 03:17:47 pm »
So can you please tell me when i parked at the gate all GSX vehicles jetways are operational when i click to do and complete the flight plan and come back to the main screen all jetways vehicles dis appears and a green screen comes up cache successful and it restarts again is this the update doing this?


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Re: Does fsx steam install the fsdt automatically
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2022, 04:59:39 pm »
After you do an update, and the airport screen opens, you will see a message at the top left of the screen saying, ''the airport cache is updating and will take a few seconds to complete and please be patient''. If you try do a GSX function during this airport update, the screen will momentarily change. The airport update usually takes 50 to 70 seconds, depending.
Don't try to do a GSX function until the airport update is completed and everything will function normally.