Nothing in the 10/21 update should have any effect on Boarding. Please indicate precisely the gate used, if it has a jetway or not, and if you enabled usage of the Navdata API.
Navdata API was enabled for yesterday's testing.
SimBrief Plan was current - Green
PHOG Gates Used for Test- 17, 19, 21, all have Jetways which moved automatically when requesting Boarding via GSX.
When I recreate this - Is there anything in Couatl.log that can indicate what's going on? Any recommendations on gathering diagnostic info?
Suggestions for gathering diagnostic info would be appreciated.
Steps Recreating Today:
1) PHOG Gate 17. Simbrief Plan loaded and current. 128 PAX 9611 LBS FUEL
2) Fuel Loaded from PMDG 737-700 FMC
3) FMC Flight Plan Loaded
4) Requested Catering - Completed
5) Initialized Payload to 128 PAX and ZFW of 114.3 (FWD Cargo 2400, AFT Cargo 2700)
6) on Perf Init Page - REQUEST Perf Init, Load, and set TAKEOFF REF Flaps, CG, CRZ Wind, and QRH V speeds
7) While Gate 17 Jetway was retracted, Requested Boarding from GSX Menu.
8) Jetway moved automatically to Door.
9) Passengers Boarded without animation - no Pilot or Crew Boarding Occurred.
(moving log text to zip file