Author Topic: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"  (Read 4745 times)


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GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« on: October 03, 2022, 11:14:17 am »

I purchased and installed GSX Pro last week and am unable to get it to work. the error coming up is 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started'. I have searched the forum but cannot resolve the issue. Im just not sure what I have done wrong or if it was corrupted during installation.

Please find attached the couatl log. if someone can have a look at the and offer an idea how to fix the issue it would be most appreciated.

I also tried to uninstall and reinstall to see if that would resolve the issue. But the GSX installer doesn't have an uninstall button (see attached photo). The box where it should be is blank. Is there a way to get an uninstall button.

I have also attached the Couatl Debug window if that is of any help, as well as a screen shot of the MSFS screen with the error.

Kind regards

Computer details
CPU   i7 7700
GSX   GTX 1070
RAM   16 gig
Windows 10
MSFS 2020
« Last Edit: October 03, 2022, 11:19:49 am by ravemtech »


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2022, 11:29:11 am »
Please find attached the couatl log. if someone can have a look at the and offer an idea how to fix the issue it would be most appreciated.

First thing that can be noticed from your log, is you have an outdated version of the .EXE, which is not normally possible to get, since the installer and the updater always download the latest version.

That seems like an antivirus problem and, in fact, almost every user with the same issue ( program locked after the log started ) reported it to be fixed after configuring the antivirus correctly, that is adding the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus Exclusion, then running the FSDT Update again.


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2022, 12:03:31 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply.  Sadly I had already tried the anti-virus exemption but that dd not work (picture attached).

I have downloaded the latest version today hoping that would resolve the issue so not sure how it is an older version unless it is loading the P3D version insstead of the MSFS as I also run P3D on the computer with GSX.

Also do you have any idea why there is no uninstall showing on the Installer.

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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2022, 12:31:34 pm »
I have downloaded the latest version today hoping that would resolve the issue so not sure how it is an older version unless it is loading the P3D version insstead of the MSFS as I also run P3D on the computer with GSX.

As I've said, it's not possible to get an old version by mistake, the only possible explanation is your antivirus or your firewall are blocking the download, so the current version can't be downloaded, so you are still on the old one.

Try the Offline installer, that should at least prevent firewall issues, however it won't fix antivirus issues, if this is your problem.


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2022, 01:08:04 pm »
Thanks again for your help.

As can be seen on the picture in my last post,  the MSFS file and the MSFS add-on file is exempted from the AVG antivirus so it shouldn’t be affecting that file.

I’m guessing the download has somehow corrupted when l was installing it. I’ll try the offline installer but
1. the GSX installer does not have an uninstall button (see picture in first post),
2. there is no uninstall icon that I can see in the GSX Pro,  and
3. GSX Pro is not showing in the APPS & Programs in setting to uninstall it.
Is there a way to do an uninstall to ensure everything of GSX Pro is deleted on the computer? Or is it all in the Add-on file and no where else?

Again thank you for your time.

Kind regards


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2022, 01:14:32 pm »
1. the GSX installer does not have an uninstall button (see picture in first post),

That's because you are looking at the GSX for FSX/P3D, which is called "GSX", not "GSX Pro", and you don't see GSX Pro, because you HID all the MSFS product, as you can see from the "Products are Hidden" message under the MSFS logo icon, which you must have clicked to hide all MSFS product.

2. there is no uninstall icon that I can see in the GSX Pro

Of course, because it's not GSX Pro you are looking at, it's GSX.

3. GSX Pro is not showing in the APPS & Programs in setting to uninstall it.

That's entirely normal, since its  Installed and Uninstalled with the Universal Installer only.


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2022, 01:20:44 pm »
My humblest apologies. I had not realised I had hidden them I should have looked a bit closer. Forgive me please. I’ll have a play in the morning as it’s late in Australia and work through the offline installer post.

Once again, thank you for all your time. I know it’s been very busy for you and if GSX Pro is anything like GSX 2, then it will be great.

Kindest regards
« Last Edit: October 03, 2022, 01:23:20 pm by ravemtech »


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2022, 02:22:32 pm »
Hi Umberto,

Thank you for your help. After a bit of mucking around, it’s finally working well

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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2022, 06:39:32 pm »

I just bought GSX PRO on 3/10/22, I installed it via FSDT Universal installer.

At the beginning, I did have GSX PRO which was active in MSFS. I clicked on [UPDATE] in FSDT Universal installer and since I have the message "xxxx" which obliges me to launch it by Addon Manager\couatl64\Couatl64_MSFS.exe.

I excluded the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager" folder in Windows defender.
Do you have a solution, please?



I just manipulated this post:,26759.0.html
and it works

« Last Edit: October 05, 2022, 06:51:07 pm by ObiTwo »


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2022, 09:23:40 am »
It’s a little tricky to get working I think. Sometimes instructions that make sense to the developers, don’t always make sense to the customers. I think a really basic set of instructions for the install starting with the antivirus exclusion of the MSFS Addon file and ending with the off line installer would go along way to reducing the number of complaints all over the internet about GSX as it’s a great product but a pain to get it working. And it’s sadly causing a lot of negatively on numerous forums. And writing it in really basic terms where the assumption is the person installing it doesn’t really know that much about flight simming (esp as there are so many newbies coming into the sim with MSFS) would resolve so many of the issues and frustrations being encountered as the fixes and some of the answers are not really straight forward to someone new and not so new to flight simming. The instructions sadly didn’t mention anything about excluding the MSFS addon in the antivirus software or using the online installer if there’s an issue.  Hopefully FSDreamteam may take this onboard as it’s sad to see such a backlash against the product over the installation and other issues.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2022, 10:14:47 am by ravemtech »


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2022, 11:40:35 am »
I think a really basic set of instructions for the install starting with the antivirus exclusion

GSX Manual, the "Troubleshooting" chapter, starting at Page 69.


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2022, 12:42:34 pm »
Thanks for your reply.

All I am suggesting based on my issues and from forums on a number of websites and on YouTube including comments on the YouTube sites that there may be a real benefit to place a really basic set of instructions at the very beginning of the manual and even as a separate download so it in 'everyone's face' so to speak so they cant miss it.

I do understand that from a developers point of view, that you feel you have provided enough information, and those well experienced in flight simming and computers will agree with you, but the forums are hurting GSX purchases. I had been sitting on the fence due to the large amount of negativity to GSX PRO, but decided to give it a go. It was frustrating for me to get it working despite reading the forums looking for answers, trying to follow some of the suggestions that weren't really giving an easy  step by step answer. Even now it still isn't fault free with sometimes loading, and sometimes it just hangs when loading and MSFS to be restarted to get it to work. I know from the forums on different webpages that this isn't isolated to me, but being a long term user of GSX and FSDreamteam products in P3D ad FSX, I am okay with it as I know in the long term, these and other minor issues will be fixed. And that all the GSX series are really amazing products especially for the complexity it must navigate in so many different airports and on so many different computers. For example i have a little laugh when Ground handler walks through the 737 to insert the locking pin, but on numerous forums, people get quite upset. I know FSDreamteam will fix this (if possible) as time allows so I'm okay with it.

But the Flight Sim industry with so many new people coming in to Flight Sim due to MSFS, it's not so simple for them. As a writer of a large number of technical manuals in the medical industry (see to show I am not making it up), I always enlisted new students unfamiliar with the procedures or products to read the manual, and to then perform the procedure to see if it was as straight forward as I thought. And many times I would have to modify the documents to make it easier to follow. I really think the GSX installation manual would benefit from this.

Recently the PMDG Facebook page put out a document for new simmers to the PMDG 737 so as to stop the same questions (issues) being asked over and over and over again. Even thought the answers were there on the site (and in the PMDG 737 manual) if they went looking, for whatever reason (probably simply being so overwhelmed with the product and its complexity), those new to the aircraft just kept asking the same questions. And the document seems to have worked really well, stopping these repetitive questions.

One final suggestion, adding an index at the beginning of the manual would be a great help to direct people to not only troubleshooting on page 69, but to the many other topics in the manual. I do know that trying to find something in the manual requires quite a bit of a search, where as an index would be of so much benefit and again make things faster and simpler.

Please understand this is not in any way a shot at FSDreamteam, its just an idea that i think would really help, and reduce the frustrations of those new to flight simming trying to load and use GSX Pro, and help reduce number of times you have to respond to the same problems in the forums. Even call it 'An Idiots Guide to GSX Pro' to put a bit of humor into it. The 'Idiot' guides are so successful for very good reasons.

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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2022, 01:10:42 pm »
There's a very limited amount of manpower available to us so, we'd rather give the highest priority to *doing* the actual fixes/changes/improvement to the program, and then eventually work on the manual.

Considering lots of issues people are having are related in some way with the airport cache and the need to read .BGL files ( that might be corrupted or not accessible ), and this whole system will soon go away entirely with the new Navdata API we are integrating now, putting extra work in the manual to cover all these class of issues will be a wasted effort.

In any case, someone posted this just today:,27945.msg183447.html#msg183447

Working my way through the user manual to get familiar. Have to say it's one of the most comprehensive and well written manuals I've come across - very clear.


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Re: GSX PRO error 'Couatl scripting engine hasn't started"
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2022, 01:37:15 pm »
If the bgl going will resolve everything then that’s great. I look forward to it :)

And I agree, reading through the the manual it is fairly detailed. Some companies do this well and this manual is in most parts one of the better manuals out there.  Can l assume though that due to time constraints, the idea of an index at the beginning of the manual to make it easier for users to find things is not an option then?