As the title suggests, when can we get a copy of GSX that works?
We are now entering week 3 of a product that doesn't work entirely for the majority of people.
Out of all the scenery I own, only T2G OTHH V2 works fully with GSX, everything else is broke in one way or another.
(Isolated parking, no animated jetways, not reading the scenery files)
Its good that users have found temporary workarounds or fixes, but these don't work for everyone.
GSX and GSX lv2 both need to be made independent from GSX Pro.
Having 3 versions of GSX, using common files, on two different sims with two, very, very different engines, is the problem
GSX Interacts differently with P3D than it does with MSFS, which is why GSX is not reading the data properly from its files for P3D.
Please, roll back this update or release a standalone P3D installer that does not contain any of the files, configs or instructions that relate to MSFS.
The time has come where the products need to be independent.
A lot of people can't enjoy their hobby currently due to this poor show, of what seems to be an entirely untested update.
Maybe a BETA program is needed in future, for users to opt into before updates drop.